Re: [哈波] JK罗琳转发质疑林郁婷参赛资格的报导

楼主: KingKingCold (お元気ですか?私元気です)   2024-08-07 21:44:21
※ 引述《smart0eddie (smart0eddie)》之铭言:
: 纽约时报直接开喷了
: Instead, what followed was a two-hour affair of little explanation, a great deal of obfuscation, and a series of evasive answers to reporters’ questions that did nothing to back up the IBA’s claims
: 两个小时一团混乱什么都没讲
: 闪闪躲躲不敢回应问题
: 说法完全不能支持他们之前的论点
: Asked how anyone could trust the IBA after years of judging scandals, financial corruption and other misdeeds, Chris Roberts, the organization’s secretary general, talked about bureaucratic successes that had little to do with public trust.
: 被质疑IBA长年弊案缠身要怎么取信大众
: 顾左右而言他
: the officials spoke in broad and often contradictory terms about gender, sex and their own tests. Kremlev said the testing showed testosterone levels as high as those for men but that he could not give any proof. The comment contradicted IBA’s official statement last Thursday, in which it stated that “the athletes did not undergo a testosterone examination.”
: 关于性别与他们检验的说词反复 矛盾
: 号称IBA验出男人的睪固酮但是没有任何证据
: 而上周IBA官方声明说他们不是验睪固酮
: ======
: 另外有几个记者质问
: IBA声称两位选手会打死人所以应该要永久除名
: 但是IBA声称2022年就知道了
: 直到2023年打完下一届比赛了半点作为都没有
: IBA还有提到2022额外追加的检验是一个全新的
: 从来没碰过的新东西
: 看来果然 IBA 自己人都搞不清楚他们要怎么验 验什么 标准是什么
作者: smallreader (小读者)   2024-08-07 21:50:00
放下网络论战 做点更有用的事(x
作者: Qorqios (诗人Q)   2024-08-07 21:51:00
作者: newgunden (年中むきゅー)   2024-08-07 21:54:00
马斯克目前是反LQKGB阵营的Rich Redneck

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