※ 引述《sezna (sezna)》之铭言:
: https://twitter.com/OpenAI/status/1727206187077370115
: We have reached an agreement in principle for Sam Altman to return to OpenAI
: as CEO with a new initial board of Bret Taylor (Chair), Larry Summers, and
: Adam D'Angelo.
: We are collaborating to figure out the details. Thank you so much for your
: patience through this.
: Sam Altman再次回到 OpenAI担任CEO, 董事会改组
: 前情提要
: Sam Altman无预警被OpenAI董事会火掉=>
: Sam Altman获得MS纳德拉支援可以来MS做新AI Team大头=>
: OpenAI 九成员工连署要求董事会下台,找回Sam Altman担任CEO=>
: Sam Altman班师回朝重新担任CEO,董事会改组 Now!
OpenAI请GitHub原CEO Chris Wanstrath担任临时CEO
但是因为那封mail 被丢到垃圾信箱Chris Wanstrath没发现
然而Chris Wanstrath假日在做什么呢?
It's true - I too was asked to be the interim OpenAI CEO, but unfortunately the email ended up in my spam folder. Instead I spent the weekend playing Super Mario RPG.