虽然在CMA长达400页的报告中 还是禁止微软收购动态暴雪
但有提到如果Xbox试图将Call of Duty独占,Xbox将损失$$$$$$$$$$$$$
The conclusion is drawn from, among other things, the "critical diversion
ratio," which is the rate at which PlayStation Call of Duty players would
need to switch over to Xbox in order for it to become profitable for
Microsoft, and how much those new players are likely to spend on Call of Duty
in the five years following a total foreclosure strategy by Microsoft. By
analysing the lifetime total value (LTV) of Call of Duty players, the CMA
estimates that Microsoft would see a net loss in the billions over those five
这个结论是根据“关键转移率”得出的,这是PlayStation上Call of Duty玩家需要
品赎回权战略后的五年内,玩家可能会在Call of Duty上花钱。通过分析Call of Duty
玩家的终身总价值 (LTV),CMA估计微软在这五年中将净亏损十亿美元。
CMA : 如果CoD变成Xbox独占,微软5年内将损失10亿美元