UPDATE: Arrest of 17-year-old by police in the United Kingdom over hack
of Rockstar and possibly Uber was done in concert with an investigation
conducted by the FBI, according to a source with knowledge of the matter.
UPDATE: Police expected to give more details on arrest of 17-year-old
Rockstar Games hacker later today, possible statement coming from the
FBI later this morning/afternoon.
因为伦敦警方目前还没正式公开细节 所以先当未证消息
除了R星 嫌犯也骇了Uber 据传FBI也已经介入调查
嫌犯的居住地(Oxfordshire)跟年纪也跟骇客符合 因此大大增加可能性
另外由于是未成年 所以有些资讯受限于法律 警方可能会保密