[闲聊] 神觉者Dislyte 孤星版本新角色profile

楼主: Napoleon313 (法吹拿皇)   2022-06-11 16:15:38
神觉者 Dislyte 孤星版本 新角色profile
奥利 Ollie 奥西里斯 Osiris
Ollie is a fighter Esper with support abilities, capable of preventing allies
from dying.
劳拉 Laura 奈斯 Neith
Laura is a support Esper who grants a shield to all allies and counterattacks
the attacker when her shield is destroyed or dispelled.
妮可 Nicole 奈芙蒂斯 Nephthys
Nicole is a support Esper who can revive and take damage for allies while
granting them DEF Up, Invincibility, and other buffs.
梅丽达 Meredit 斯库拉 Scylla
Meredith is a support Esper who effectively reduces the HP of enemy targets
and heals allies.

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