wai0806 (臣妾办不到啊)
2022-01-17 17:29:52※ 引述《tmlisgood (菜市秋)》之铭言:
: https://i.imgur.com/HkHjL4M.jpg
: 真正代表日本的漫威英雄Sunfire
: 原名吉田四郎
: 因为母亲受到广岛核弹的影响
: 而生下变种人的他
: 拥有太阳辐射力量
: 感觉这设定满满的问题
: 真人化会被干到臭头
我查了一下当天皇的部分 蛮有意思的 以下转英文wiki
In the house of M reality, Sunfire became the Emperor of Japan. Under his rule
, the country had prospered, though the poverty levels were extremely high amo
ng the baseline human population. In secret, Sunfire was one of the mastermind
s of Project: Genesis, a project sanctioned by the Japan branch of嚒.H.I.E.L.D
.烀ith the goal of forcefully mutating baseline humans. When the S.H.I.E.L.D.
operatives-in-training dubbed the㗎ellions湶nvestigated a terrorist attack, th
ey discovered the existence of Project: Genesis and its link to Emperor Sunfir
e. Sunfire lied to the Hellions and told them that Project: Genesis's purpose
was to recycle organic waste into food for poor baseline humans.
说实在的我觉得蛮有趣的啊 虽然这故事我没追 但看设定就很好玩了
顺带一提 漫威写过最大咖的日本相关是天津瓮星 虐翻众神的大反派 晚点有空写出来