※ 引述《wizardfizban (疯法师)》之铭言:
: 推 t77133562003: En 一期 还缺3 11/17 17:32
是什么东西启发你们当Vtuber? (主持人复诵时多加了Vtuber)
梅: 我记得一开始直播的时候很孤单。我不太认识周遭有在玩游戏的人
: Ame也有被问过
: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1_ynK-fgek
: 但她只是回了一下如何准备,所以没什么好说的。
: 另两位比较有剧情
: Gura
: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fb-02azMXME
: 她会加入是因为妈妈鲨的鼓励。
所以刚刚还去翻直播档打英文逐字稿= =
BTW 今年生日前鲨鲨还顺便讲了如过她离开Hololive会去哪
"Keebler elf tree" that's where you will find me
某间卖松饼、饼干 一堆烘焙甜点的公司
Q: What inspired you three to start streaming in the first place. What
inspired each of you to actually become a Vtuber?
Gura: Well to start streaming and I guess in connection to that become a
Vtuber was... I wanted to connect with people and I wanted to make friends and
I wanted to share my favorite games. For example, I like rhythm games and it
was always a dream of mine to play this games and share my passion and
excitement for rhythm games with other people that are passionate and excited
for rhythm games.But this passion had grown to other games and I’ve..thanks
to these guys right? All these guys here, I’ve learned other titles for
example DMC. I’m a huge fan of now. I really love DMC, I loved metroid series
. I’m excited to finish Dread. Wanting to connection and sharing the passion
for video games with other people that also like video games..and
talking about food.
Ame: I remember...yeah when I first started out I guess I was pretty lonely. I
didn’t really know many other people that played games around me and I didn
’t really have any friends either.You know this became a sort of connection
for that too. I love that not only being able to connect the fans but being
able to meet everybody else in Hololive is really awesome too. We’ve made
some really good friends so that’s the best part for me.
Q: Hey, Gura. What motivated you to join Hololive? How/s your time so far?
Gura: What motivated me to join Hololive? Uh, my mom actually motivated me to
join Hololive. I remembered I was sitting at kitchen table looking at the
audition tweet. And I was like “Man...should I do this?” I was like hey moom
~should I...This is the thing called Hololive. And she was like “ What’s
that?” I was like “okay, it’s girls play video games and they dance on the
stage. Many many years ago, I was really into like the 3D like Miku stage
performances stuff and I showed my parents like the packed arenas that Miku
would have and other even other virtual talents. And they were watching this
vocaloid character scream in front of this packed audience. And I’m like...
You see that one day that’s going to be me. I want to do that. I want to be
on the stage. I want to do that someday.And I am going to play games. And I
want to do the 3D and I want have the tracking and all that I want tot do the
real deal. And the’re like “That’s OK~That’s nice~” That was one of my
kicks that I wanted to join Hololive because I was like maybe..maybe..MAYBE I
can fulfill this dream. And the also my mom was like “yeah do it, what do you
have to lose? what do you have to lose, Gura?”