美国人反应 https://bit.ly/3rXThYi
So the world really just forgives Eldians for attempting omnicide? Yams
doesn't explain this at all from the leaks, there's no political conflict at
all, everything is just good.
也没有政治冲突, 就进入皆大欢喜结局.
Historia really was sidelined for a red herring pregnancy plot?
Everyone gets brought back to life... That's such garbage.
Pure Titanization was just a fake out... Wow
无垢巨人全部变回人... 超垃圾
This ending is so unbelievably unsatisfying. Cringevenger fans can party all
they want and mock us for being disappointed, the fact is that the ending is
pure trash.
结局也太令人不满足了. 圣母派可以开派对庆助, 嘲笑灭世派失望,
Anime, especially shonen anime, have a terrible history of having god awful,
uninteresting main characters. I thought Eren was different. I guess I was
动漫长久以来都只有王道而无趣的主角. 我以为艾连不一样. 我错了.
And now I refuse to give Yams a single dollar by buying the manga if these
leaks are true. I was going to buy the whole manga, hundreds of dollars for
him. But now? Nah, I ain't supporting this.
本来要给他们赚几百美金, 现在绝对不买.
He had clear themes that needed to be fulfilled in the manga, and in the end
just throw it all the way for kumbaya...
许多主题和支线应该交待, 但最后通通丢掉, 换来坑巴拉(?)
1.世界直接原谅 皆大欢喜 中东国/黑人国/东洋国呢?
2.无垢巨人真接变回人 上一回皮克莱纳白伤心了
但像推文讲的没子弹就可以大和解, 马雷人想通就忏悔, 现在这样真的不意外