Re: [闲聊] 圣剑传说3 新旧版拔剑对比

楼主: homer00 (肥宅乡民)   2020-05-01 19:42:56
对不起, 占版面发一篇, 不过录完真的觉得自己模样很蠢, 蛮瞎的
分享一下, 如何让新作的气氛接近旧作....Q_Q "pause大法"
接下来我再去研究看怎么翻译给Square Enix看我的碎碎念
OS: 我按下pause那段时间, 你随便放玛那石在那边烧做做串场都好啊www
Your topic has a great comparison indeed.
I also made one a couple days ago,
so hopefully we can voice the concern enough for them to touch it up:
Btw, you can Pause the sequence and let go as it starts to pick up.
It still steps on the couple notes on the end but I got it right that way.
Hopefully pausing the game doesn't pause the music too.
I compared the video with the song,
and I think the scene would look most impressive
if you kept the song paused for about 1 minute and 15 seconds,
and then the music will start to rise when the sword ascends to the air.
※ 引述《homer00 (肥宅乡民)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《howtotell (工作的日子)》之铭言:
: : 20年前的旧版拔剑
: : 主角只想着拔剑 剑反抗主角不给拔
: : 精灵说要跟剑对话
: : 主角闭眼跟剑对话 看到剑担忧的是这世界的玛纳之石
: : 拔剑歌从头播放到尾
: : 播完歌剑才从空中落下给主角 主角睁眼时精灵已经消失
: : 20年后的新版拔剑
: : 主角只想着拔剑 剑反抗主角不给拔
: : 精灵说要跟剑对话
: : 剑马上发光 飞起 主角握剑 (对话就是发光???)
: : 多演了精灵被抓的画面
: : 拔剑歌只演了前奏 精灵被抓就...切歌惹(e04 !???????????)
: : 喵的 有20年前的作业给导演抄都可以抄成这样
: : 20年后难道有人会觉得只演前奏切歌会比不切歌好 ? ? ?
: 遇到一样感受的人了 QQ 已经发文去Steam讨论区吐槽
: 这个动画被切掉真的让我超级不爽
: 虽然感觉官方应该不会里我...
: 玩到一半, 听到前奏, 顾不得老婆小孩还在房间附近吃饭,
: 就开始哭到不能自已, 毕竟很多童年回忆涌上心头
: 然后中途被咖歌我整个傻掉 "蛤 沙小??"
: 这我真的不吐不快, 暗影老师!!
: Hi Developers of this game,
: At first, to make my requirement short,
: please see these videos and make a comparison:
: (1995)
: (2020)
: As for me, when I played the old game at that time,
: the short animation made me stop for a while,
: and start to think about the long journey, then I cried.
: And the song also gave me a feeling that
: "Okay, I have overcome so many challenges.
: Now it is time to fight the overpowered and evil boss".
: It made me brave.
: And for the latest version,
: you just cut the song and animation
: well as the player's emotion all of a sudden....
: I beg you guys, please re-make the animation and give us a update about it.
: It could make this game more epic.
: Please.
: The whole song is good and beautiful, why you cut it?

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