今天看到朋友给我听one small step才想到
急忙搜寻了一下APPLE MUSIC 发现竟然有收录 开心
看看曲目洋洋洒洒有57首 其中有五首歌
收录了 Trash is Treasure
Won't Give UP
one small step
one small step第24集版本
剩下通通都是剧中的配乐 唸书打电动上网时放来听都不错 第二季出来前解解馋
4.stone world-rock ver.
5.wake up,senku!
7.people under the tree
8.storm's brewing
9.the usual mode
10 suika's so sorry!
11 memories
12 some primal survival gourmet
13 living in the stone world
14 be exhausted
15 school life
16 i'm suika
17 sorcerer
18 suika just wants to help
19 earth tones
20 desires of the three sparkly sisters
21 make a discovery
22 a cotton candy machine!
23 a real magician to the core
24 strategy dub
25 the light created fire
26 master of flame
27 the earth as seen from the soyuz
28 a science team is against the wall
29 by the hands, the light of science
30 science tools
31 growth
32 one hundred nights, one thousand skies
33 encounter
34 blades of science
35~40 preview of next ep A~F
41 ishigami village
42 kohaku and ruri
43 ruri's sentiment
44 the 100th "senku ishigami"
45 tale for the ages on the piano
46 thousands of years may have passed...
47 for the future ages
48 diligence and ingenuity
49 a imperial strategy
50 a mere diversion....
51 our new world
52 basis of science
53 situational analysis
54 crisis
55 chemcial boys zap mix
,看曲名点来听 脑海就会有那个情境
风格很多值得细细听 而且我觉得新石纪里抒情的配乐比激扬的优秀很多