[闲聊] 文明帝国6果然很野蛮呀!

楼主: wizardfizban (疯法师)   2019-12-03 12:39:45
They gave me a final response. They said the development team has been
notified and are currently working toward a solution. I hope more people send
in support tickets so it becomes more urgent. They also suggested a
workaround that didn't work for me though.
"Thank you for taking the time to contact 2K Support! I'm sorry to hear that
you're having an issue with Civ VI. I understand how disheartening it can be
to experience setbacks and obstacles in the games we dedicate so much of our
time to. We as gamers do get passionate about our games and I see why your
issue of winning with a culture victory but crashing can cause so much
frustration. The development team has been notified of this issue and are
currently working toward a solution. However, we do not have visibility on
their progress here in customer support, and therefore don't have a timeline
on when a fix will be implemented. As soon as that information will be
available, our players will be the first to know. I suggest that you keep an
eye on our @2K and @2KSupport Twitter pages for any updates. They were
however able to provide a workaround while investigating the issue further. A
discovered known workaround is to declare war on the Civilization that is
causing the crash right before you end your turn. This seems to alleviate the
crashing in most instances. In order for you to know which Civilization is
causing the crash, you'll have to pay attention to which Civ's turn it falls
onto immediately before the crash happens. Once discovered, reload the save,
declare war on that Civ and hit "Next Turn". I hope this workaround helped
out. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to
let us know!"
作者: nahsnib (æ‚Ÿ)   2019-12-03 12:40:00
作者: leamaSTC (LeamaS)   2019-12-03 12:41:00
作者: Puye (PUYE)   2019-12-03 12:42:00
还想龟阿 给我宣战宣起来
作者: hedgehogs (刺猬)   2019-12-03 12:42:00
作者: haoboo (萨伊克斯)   2019-12-03 12:45:00
作者: AISC (AISC)   2019-12-03 12:46:00
作者: gunng (暗黑检察官)   2019-12-03 12:50:00
作者: flysonics (飞音)   2019-12-03 12:51:00
不演了不演了 全部战起来
作者: Dorae5566 (嘎嘎5566)   2019-12-03 12:59:00
作者: bladesinger   2019-12-03 13:33:00
六代只有战 野蛮6当之无愧
作者: a840901 (苍天不太妙)   2019-12-03 13:43:00
作者: chuckni (SHOUGUN)   2019-12-03 13:43:00

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