: 这个举动也震惊了外媒,几乎远超于《要塞英雄》世界冠军新闻或者它的第十赛季改版,
: 根据外媒 PC GAMER 统计报导,原本单就 Twitch 订阅以及流量收入,NINJA 就可以轻松
: 的每个月赚进五十万美金,微软突然重视了实况这块大市场,而且不知道砸了多少钱,让
: NINJA 愿意离开 Twitch ,失去合作伙伴与认证(人称勾勾),来到这个人们较不熟悉
: 的新平台,但可以确定的是,实况市场将会因为这个事件,更加的白热化。
Why did Microsoft pay ~$50 million+ to get Ninja on Mixer? This isn't about
selling Xbox consoles. It's a platform play for xCloud, and Microsoft needs
as many entry points to it as possible. Google has YouTube + Stadia and
Amazon has Twitch. Microsoft has Xbox + Mixer + xCloud