※ 引述《jerry78424 (青松碧涛)》之铭言: : 来给大家了解一下, : 一个sjw对以下这些常见反击的说法: 来翻译看看,淡蓝色是(假想)反SJW人士,白色是SJW。 "lol i love teh bewbs" good for you. fuck off 呵呵,偶喜番奶子。 好喔,滚。 "lmao dumb feminazis trying to censor games" it's not censoring. it's criticism. it's asking to be treated like goddamn people. 笑死我惹女权纳粹又想河蟹游戏。 河蟹个鬼喇,这叫批评懂不?游戏该被当成人来尊重! "you're a prude" (老古董、假正经之意) i'm a sex-positive feminist. that means i support women's right to control over their own bodies without judgement. that does not extend to 1000 year old loli dragons designed by and for men to get their nasty rocks off. 老古董。 我是个支持性解放的女权主义者,那代表我支持女性身体自主,不被他人评断的权力。 但是我支持的对象,不包含由男性幻想出来,为了让男人高潮的千年古龙动漫小萝莉。 注:get (one's) rocks off,使人达到高潮,常指性方面的。 "wHaT iF sHe ChOsE tO wEaR iT????????" she's not fucking real you drooling bottomfeeder, she can't decide anything because she's a fictional construct!!!! she's a bunch of pixels!!!! she has no agency!!!! 如果是她自己想穿(暴露的衣服)呢? 她不是真的,你个流口水的烂货,她没办法决定任何事, 因为她只是个幻想出来的概念!她只是一堆像素!没人当她的代理人! "men are sexualised too" call me when we get dick physics in video games, then we'll talk about male sexualisation. 男生也有被物化啊。 等哪个电脑游戏把男生的屌也弄出像乳摇一样的物理效果再来战,在那之前别吵。 "vote with your wallet" gee it's almost like this is an epidemic in gaming and finding games in the genre we like, with gameplay we like, a story we like, characters we like, and no bullshit designs anywhere to be found is a fucking sisyphean task. fucking great games have this problem. skyrim? dragon age origins? boob armour. boob armour everywhere. if we voted with our wallets we wouldn't be able to play fucking anything 让消费者用新台币决定啦。 天哪这简直是灾难一场,要在同一个游戏类别中找到我们喜欢的游戏, 有我们喜欢的游戏模式;有我们喜欢的故事;有我们喜欢的角色, 而且又没有加入一堆狗屁设计,这简直就是大海捞针嘛! 一堆神作都有病,你说少女卷轴?闇龙纪元? 全部都是比基尼装甲!到处都是比基尼装甲! 如果要我们用新台币决定,我们根本不会出钱给游戏公司做这种东西让大家玩啦。 注:sisyphean task,源自希腊神话,指过度艰难的考验,是人名,所以S其实应该大写。 "my wife/girlfriend/sister/daughter/gardener/friend's cousin's sister-in-law's mother's dog's walker's chemist doesn't think it's sexist!" then she can come on here and make an account and speak for her own damn self, can't she? assuming she actually exists, of course 我老婆/女朋友/姊妹/女儿/祖母/朋友的表亲的嫂嫂的妈妈的狗的溜狗员的药剂师觉得, 这没有性别歧视! 那叫她自己去申请一个帐号来这边讲啦,可以吗?前提当然是她真的存在再说。 "lmao typical prudish americans, in MY sexually liberated country we don't care about these things!! "i'm not american. a vast proportion of the women in this thread are not american. this is a universal problem 笑死我惹标准的美国土包子,像我的国家真的性解放的才没在管这些事。 我也不是美国人,这串很多女性也都不是美国人,这是全球性的问题。 "you don't speak for all women!!!!11!1!" neither do you. now what? 你不代表所有女性! 你也是啦,怎样? 随便翻翻,因为技术没有很好, 加上想揣测/配合讲的人的语气, 大家笑笑就好。 里面嘈点甚多, 如原PO所说,语言不同无法沟通...