※ 引述《artage (懒得想暱称)》之铭言:
: 先上连结: https://goo.gl/Q27LBx
: I should also mention that, please not judge others by your own values. China
: has such a large population. If we don't have a powerful government to plan
: and organize, we can not reach such fast development. It is hard to organize
: such many people. Therefore, we also have a long history to rely on large
: government. If you read some comparative political masterpieces, you will
: know why the difference in Eastern and Western occurs, and why they are all
: reasonable.
: 我也应该要说,请不要用自己的价值观指摘他人。中国有如此大量的人口,如果没有一个
: 强而有力的政府,是没办法成长这么快速的。管理这么多人口是很难的。
: 中国已经有了很长的历史倚赖强势的政府。如果各位读过一些政治比较的杰作的话
: 就能了解东西方的差别,而且是合理的
: Every political system has its pros and cons. What our party believe is to
: try our best to not binding ourselves within the given framework. Keep
: reflection is the basic requirement for every communist. We have made lots of
: reform to actively solve social problems and it has made many progress
: efficiently and effectively.
: 任何的政体都有他的好坏,而我们的政党信念是不要被旧有的框架绑住。持续性的反馈
: 是每位社会主义者的基本素养。我们已经有效率地做了很多来解决我们的社会问题
: If you have anything interested in Chinese culture or how our party operates,
: feel free to ask me. I always believe communication is the best way eliminate
: misunderstand
: 对中国文化有兴趣的话,欢迎随时发问。我相信沟通是最好解回误会的方式的
: 翻译完后我怎么觉得他只是疯狂的在打自己国民的脸....