[新闻] 碧血狂杀2玩家在做爱时喊女友Sadie而分手

楼主: wizardfizban (疯法师)   2018-12-24 17:42:51
'Red Dead Redemption 2' Player Dumped After Calling Girlfriend Sadie At The
Most Unfortunate Time
Apparently some guy called his girlfriend Sadie during sex and got dumped for
Sadie Adler is one of the stand-out and most popular characters of Red Dead
Redemption 2. She's also a crush of many players, and apparently causing
martial issues.
Taking to the official Red Dead Redemption 2 Facebook group, Jeroen Bekkers
revealed that he recently had become single. Why? Because he called his
girlfriend Sadie during an intimate moment, which I can relate to. I think
I've come close to calling my own significant other Garrus a few times. But
I've never slipped, and that's why I'm still happily taken and Mr. Bekkers is
now single.
For those that don't know: Sadie Adler is "a widow who is hell-bent on taking
revenge upon those who [spoiler]." She's described as "relentless and afraid
of nothing and no one," and while she's the wrong woman to cross, she is
"very loyal to those she loves.” As you may know, there's a few scenes in
the game were she is consumed by bloodthirsty rage and kills everybody. Not
actually my ideal fantasy or crush, but a lot of people seem to have fallen
for the character. I'm more of a Mrs. Grimshaw person myself.
Anyway, I guess I should point out that's possible that Bekkers is merely
making a joke or lying, but even if he is, I'm almost 100 positive this exact
thing has happened to somebody. That's how probability works, right?
As mentioned above, Sadie Adler is a fan-favorite character, and I've seen
quite a few people on the game's Reddit page and elsewhere confessing their
love for the widow, second to only drunk Lenny.
Red Dead Redemption 2 is available for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. At the
moment of publishing this, there's been no word of PC port nor a Nintendo
Switch port. However, while the latter is almost certainly not happening, the
former has leaked multiple times suggesting it's in the pipeline and coming
For more news and coverage on the critically acclaimed open-world western,
click here. And remember, don't think about Mrs. Adler, lumbago, or that
incest couple during intimate moments. Nothing good can come of it.
Thanks, Frag Hero.
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