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Naya Skillbook : Chilling Arrows
娜雅 技能书
[被动] : 所有CD:1 敌人伤害1, 一层衰竭
[Passive] Pickoff Attempt : Upon turn, deal 1 damage to enemies with CD:1,
grant Exhaust.
[参谋]: 所有CD:1 敌人伤害1, 一层衰竭
[Advisor] Warning Shot : Upon turn, deal 1 damage to enemies with CD:1,
grant Exhaust.
[1 魂]: 选择单一敌人破甲(x0.5), 如果被动发起, 白位获得战吼。
[1-Orb] Frost Shot : Armor Penetration ($BK:0.5) selected enemy.
If passive skill was triggered this turn,
grant white ally War Cry as well.
[2 魂]: 选择单一敌人破甲(x1), 如果被动发起, 白位发动2魂技
[2-orbs] Chain Strike : Armor Penetration ($BK:1) selected enemy.
If passive skill was triggered this turn,
trigger white ally's 2-orb skill as well.
[4 魂]: 选择单一敌人破甲(x1.5), 如果被动发起, 白位获得永久战吼
[4-orbs] From The Skies : Armor Penetration ($BK:1.5) selected enemy.
If passive skill was triggered this turn,
grant white ally War Cry for all turns as well.
战吼:提升技能 30%, 最多三层, 施展时获得一层
War Cry: Increase skill power by 30% for each stack. 3 stacks max.
Upon cast skill, grant self 1 stack.
衰竭: 降低技能 30%, 最多三层
Exhaust: Decrease skill power by 30% for each stack. 3 stacks max.
人鱼 技能书
Hestia's Skillbook: Flowers' Whispers
被动: 回合开始获得随机buff提升
[Passive] Spring Solo : Upon turn, grant self a random buff.
参谋: 选择队友获得随机buff提升
[Advisor] Summer Aria : Grant selected ally a random buff.
[1魂]: 自己获得随机buff 两回
[1-Orb] Fall Étude : Grant self a random buff for 2 turns.
[2 魂]: 复制buff,所有队友获得这个buff 两回(一层)
[2-Orb] Winter Fantasia : Copy all buffs this character has, grant all
allies 1 stack of the copied buffs for 2 turns
[4 魂]: 复制buff,所有队友获得这个buff 两回(三层)
[4-Orb] Hestia's Four Seasons : Copy all buffs this character has,
grant all allies 3 stacks of the copied buffs for 2 turns
古鲁 技能书
Golemwalt's Skillbook : Runic Behemoth
[被动]: 白位施展2/4魂破甲时,发动2/4魂技
[Passive] Summon The Beast : Upon cast 2/4-orb skill with Armor Penetration
by white character, trigger self 2/4-orb skill.
[参谋]: 所有队友获得转盾 [CD 3回]
[Advisor] Friends : Grant all allies Armor Shift. [CD: 3]
[1魂]: 帮所有队友叠盾两回, 如果有盾改为转顿两回
[1-Orb] Trembling Roar : Grant all allies Tank Up for 2 turns.
If have Tank Up, grant all allies Armor Shift for 2 turns instead.
[2魂] : 破甲所有敌人(x0.75), 移除两金魂
[2-Orb] Crystal Crunch : Armor Penetration ($BK:0.75) all enemies,
remove 2 gold orbs
[4魂]: 破甲所有敌人(x1.5), 扰乱所有魂
[4-Orb] Ground Fissure : Armor Penetration ($BK:1.5) all enemies,
scramble the orbs.
叠顿: 获得10%护盾最大值,最多三层
Tank Up: Upon incoming damage skill, grant self Armor equal to 10% max Armor
for each stack. 3 stacks max.
转顿: HP每层回复现有护盾30%, 最多三层
Armor Shift: Upon turn, grant self HP equal to 30% of current Armor
for each stack. 3 stacks max.
娜雅技能书好像不错,但没有蓝碎啊 XD
※ 引述《friendA (友人A)》之铭言:
: https://imgur.com/ZkxfP0b
: 新的技能书上架、纳杰尔活动开放
: 还有黯月活动结束时间延期(到5/23)
: 大概是发现活动有难度,新手可能打不过吧