※ 引述《hahaha0204 (哈哈哈)》之铭言:
: TRIGGER的工作人员たっつん(Tattun)加上若林広海和コヤマシゲト跑到4CHAN上跟大家AMA
: 只抓了跟剧情有关的,剩下闲聊的就没放了,还有我只大概翻译,有错请告知
: http://bit.ly/2IYjEYb
: Anonymous:
: Tattun please settle it once and for all:
: Who was in the right? Zero Two or Ichigo?
: 一句话,02和莓谁是对的?
: Tattun:
: It's still ep 14. Probably not safe to make any assumption yet.
: Shigeto and Hiromi says that they're both in the wrong. (This is their
: opinion, and it doesn't reflect what the director or the series implies)
: 这才第14集,不能下结论
: 若林広海、コヤマシゲト说他们都做错了(个人观感)
: Anonymous:
: What did they think of Ichigo hate reactions after episode 14?
: 怎么看14集莓被黑?
: Tattun:
: Shigeto/Hiromi: Pretty indifferent actually. It's interesting to see that
: there's about the same amount of people supporting/angry about the situation.
: 其实无所谓,很有趣看到支持这种情况和对这种情况感到愤怒的人一样多。
: Anonymous:
: 谁是最棒的女孩?
: Tattun:
: Hiromi: If I "really" had to choose, Miku.
: 若林:真要选是未来
: Shigeto: Same as Hiromi.
: コヤマシゲト:和若林一样
: Anonymous:
: Did Kokoro dump Futoshi because he was fat or because he was annoying?
: 心甩了太是因为他胖还是烦?
: Tattun:
: Hiromi: You can't really dump a person when they were never in a relation.
: 你不能说是甩了一个人阿,当他们不是情侣关系的时候
: Anonymous:
: Tattun any chance TRIGGER will make the The Beast and the Prince book as a
: merchandise item?
: 绘本有机会成为商品吗?
: Tattun:
: A lot of our staff want it as well. There's a good chance that it will happen.
: 很多staff想要这么做,未来有很大机会
: Anonymous:
: Tattun can you tell us if Zero Two treats her "hundreds" of other Stamen like
: she treats Hiro?
: As in she calls them Darling, plays with them, feeds them, etc. Or does she
: only do this to Hiro?
: 02对待100位雄蕊都像对待广一样吗?
: 02会叫他们Darling,跟他们玩,喂食他们等?
: 还是只有广比较特别?
: Tattun:
: Hiromi: Pretty self explanatory if you watched the first episode.
: 很明显了,如果你有看第一集