[闲聊] WoWs 0.7.0: 高校收藏

楼主: ALPHONSE2501 (Misaka Nr.13666)   2017-12-28 03:55:30
: More new content coming to the game! With this latest update, after pressing
: a special button, you will be able to get acquainted with new content
: dedicated to the High School Fleet. This time, we have new a new collection
: and camo patterns. You’ll be able to apply new dedicated camo patterns on
: your Musashi, Yamato and HSF Harekaze, assign four new Commanders to your
: ships, and complete a collection comprising of 35 items with brief
: descriptions of the characters featuring in the anime series. However, if you
: ’re not happy with the new camos, you can always hide them in the carousel
: menu.
: New collection, need to catch them all...
: weaboo
: My balls are ready. Uh, wait, maybe i rephrase.
: Weeballs.
: Damn that don't sound good too. Whatever, give me the collections.
作者: whe84311 (Rainsa)   2017-12-28 05:39:00
这些船跟屎一样 必须全买

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