|※转录自脸书社团 同人评论志 Platform(プラットホーム)
| http://i.imgur.com/IWtgx8v.jpg
|令人不期然想起《Fate/stay night UBW》中卫宫士郎与英雄王的对决
| 固有结界“Alibaba Taobao”(伪物の楽园)!
|在此提供发动结界的咒文: //此版咒文似乎比原版还通顺?
| I am the boss of my group.
| Alibaba is my body, and Taobao is my blood.
| I have provided over a thousand auctions.
| Unknown to copyrights, nor known to quality.
| Have withstood pain to create many money.
| Yet those right-holders will never gain anything.
| So as I pray, Unlimited Fake Goods.