The stand-out of this episode, however, is none other than C-rank Mumen
Rider. After not getting much of an impression of him in earlier episodes,
last week he caught my eye and had me rooting for him. That carried over
here, giving him the most emotional and satisfying moments we’ve seen from
the whole show. We all knew he wasn’t going to do anything to the Sea King,
but that didn’t matter, because seeing him throw everything he could was all
he needed to prove that he’s the most genuine hero of them all. He may not
be inherently gifted like those around him, but there’s always something to
love about the underdog doing his absolute best, even if it results in
failure. Not only that, but I actually teared up when the little boy started
cheering him on from the arena, as everyone else joined in with him.
One-Punch Man may be an epic action parody, but that moment alone proved that
it’s capable of tugging the heartstrings when it wants to.
1, 阿修罗独角仙有预感能力,知道对方的强弱,深海王则无.
2, 阿修罗独角仙会飞,深海王不会.
3, 阿修罗独角仙可以随时变身,深海王必须要有水.
4, 阿修罗独角仙拳出手就把人打成渣渣,深海王严格来说还没杀掉任何一人.
5, 阿修罗独角仙可以把埼玉打得乱飞,深海王却不能撼动埼玉一步
蚊子 > 阿修罗独角仙 > 光头猩(第一集巨人).