※ 引述《flamer (大前田希千代后援会会长)》之铭言:
: @w@
: 原来这段搬到会动的地方 会这么突兀....
: ufo应该要自己改一改的啊
: 说什么照原作不会有理解问题都是睁着眼睛说瞎话吧
: 我才不相信有多少人看到这段没有"蛤?"的感觉
: 总之只能期待下一场做得够好啦
: 话说Archer英文真是有够烂的
: 土狼要早点开始练习口说啊....耍帅的时候用这么不三不四的口音 不是很丢人吗?
I am the flesh and bone of my own sword
steel flows through my body and fire is what courses through my blood
I have created over a thousand blades
unknown to death nor known to life
power uproot the mountains blades divide the waters many times
I have withstood enormous pain to create thousands of weapons
and yet those hands that have braved so much will never hold anything
so as I pray now I call forth unlimited blade works