"We are aware that the graphics performance of Assassin’s Creed Unity on PC
may be adversely affected by certain AMD CPU and GPU configurations," Ubisoft
Community Manager Justin Kruger wrote in an Assassin's Creed forum post.
"This should not affect the vast majority of PC players, but rest assured
that AMD and Ubisoft are continuing to work together closely to resolve the
issue, and will provide more information as soon as it is available."
1.我们察觉到大革命的画面表现在特定的AMD CPU与显示卡中效果不好
AMD真可怜...某些NV才能开的特效不能用就算了 还被UBI背刺对他优化不好
不过看看最近NV推出的9系列 省电+低热+低功耗+高效能