※ 引述《Brendan612 (天佑台湾)》之铭言:
: 终于在第十六场刷到巴哈姆特了 真是场恶梦 囧
: 想来送些首抽积人品 首先是我想交换的部份
: 0进度 援火+双子姐+眼镜药师(分别用了事前+今天巴哈送的5点能量)
: 想交换
: 0进度(希望><) 炸弹叔+双子姐退而求次才要妹妹(我就速姐控咩)
Saving the resumedata.bin file on wave 9.
Quitting the game. Reload resumedata.bin on 9th wave
and enter into 10th wave Bahamut fight.
I think I might be on to something here...
I noticed I was using the same formation on stage 9
each try and not getting the drop after several tries.
I started switching up character placement so going into stage 10
they'd be in different spots on the grid and noticed that one of
the tree mobs dropped an item when it didn't before.
After another iteration, I finally got Bahamut to drop.
My theory is that enemies (and their drops) are generated based on
the positioning of your characters. Seem plausible?
Edit: this is with S/L btw.
至少不用等能量了 掯
PS:终于刷到了!!!虽然我有援火 刷来好像也只能作纪念
12刷+6左右 S/L才刷到
: ==========================================================
: 送首抽 皆为0进度 只用过事前+今天巴哈+3千$$(都杂鱼)
: 先留言先抢赢 再麻烦寄信告诉我
: (不要没留言或者已经有人先抢到了还寄信囧)
: 因为之前有送过别人有人 要我直接寄两个SAVE档给他 他再自己改引继
: 所以要我帮你引继还是直接要SAVE档自己引继 两种方式我都ok地
: ==========================================================
: 第一组:冰枪+歌姬+乌比三兄弟枪
: 第二组:坦枪+歌姬+乌比三兄弟剑 [已被ahsabulu抢走啦~]
: 第三组:炸弹叔+火炮蜥蜴+B剑主(开局是B弓主)
: 第四组:炸弹叔+香水蜥蜴+乌比三兄弟枪
: 第五组:浪人女+火炮蜥蜴+光头剑(等于开局已经吸光精气了XD)
: 第六组:援暗+反击胖+眼镜药师
: 第七组:援暗+魔女蜥蜴+弓仲间
: 第八组:双子姐+蜥蜴冰法+空间师 [已被Enalice抢走啦~]
: 第九组:芸姑+A级火法+光头剑