译一下我有在跟的 地平线 2 的部份
Log Horizon 2
I was super stoked when I heard Log Horizon 2 would be released because I was
a big fan of the original and how it accurately depicted the intricacies and
social elements of MMORPGs (something Sword Art Online can learn from). I
initially had some reservations about Log Horizon 2 upon learning that Studio
DEEN would be in charge of animation but after watching the first episode, I’
m satisfied that it’ll be okay. Hell, they even kept the original kickass OP
that made the series so memorable. DATABASE forever!
何精准地描写在MMORPG中的复制性及社交性元素 (有些地方是刀剑神域可以借鉴的)的部
份。在我得知纪录的地平线2将会由 DEEN 工作室制作时,我有点持保留态度。但在我看
kickass OP。 DATABASE forever!