Re: HW8-2

楼主: rafan (@_@"""")   2005-11-16 18:52:51
※ 引述《rafan (@_@"""")》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《Evenroll (研二不是应该很清闲吗?)》之铭言:
: : In the third part, teacher Lin asked us to prove
: : when alpha_i > 0, y_i(W'x_i + b) = 1
: : my question is why we need to specify whether alpha_i is greater than one,
: : alpha_i already have to be greater than one (because of the constraint..).
: I think you mean alpha_i > 0, not 1?
: 推 Evenroll:yeah~ I mean alpha_i > 0 ^^" 11/16 00:44
I think you still need to write it down for clear.

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