jefffpig (jefffpig)
2004-01-15 00:45:41下面的问题想了很久都想不出来.希望有人能帮我解答一下...谢谢喔!!
1.Consider the link layer control of a link. Let the length of the
link be "d" ,the length of a frame be "L" and the data be "R".
Let the speed of light be "V". Assume that link layer controller
uses stop-and-wait protocol.
(1)Assuming that the link us error-free, what is the maximum
utilization of the link?
(2)If the probability that a frame is in error "p", what is
the maximum utilization?
2.Assuming a communication link linking sender and receiver with the
following parameters:
(1)the bandwidth is "C" bits per second,
(2)the link has length "L" meters,
(3)the packet sent across this link have an average packet
size at "N" bits per packet,
(4)Assuming this channel is an error-free channel and the
ACK will be sent right after a packet is recevied.
Please calculate the minimum sending window size to fully
utilize the channel capacity.