推 LeoTis817 : 清冠一号有发论文啦,上次结论部分随便扫了一下, 06/19 11:02
→ LeoTis817 : 说可以抑制S protein的结合、3CL蛋白酶活化、病毒 06/19 11:02
→ LeoTis817 : 复制,也可以抗发炎,抑制巨噬细胞IL-6、TNF-α 06/19 11:02
Among 33 patients with confirmed COVID-19 admitted in two medical centers,
those (n = 12) who were older, sicker, with more co-existing conditions and
showing no improvement after 21 days of hospitalization were given NRICM101.
先不要说没有双盲或sample size少得可怜
这篇论文连treatment的primary endpoint是什么都讲不清楚
至于in vitro药物机转讲得天花乱坠,就听听就好