“Dear Elders and fellow villagers,” he said, “I am on my way to learn about
Immortal cultivation. I shall miss all of you!” The young man wore a slightl
y pained expression, as if he couldn’t bear to part with his fellow villagers
. This made him look even more charming than before.?
The surrounding villagers exchanged glances, shrugged helplessly, and then pre
tended to look even more reluctant to see him leave.
A white-haired old man stepped out of the crowd and said, “Xiaochun, ever sin
ce your dad and mom left us, oh so long ago, you… you have been, er–” he pa
used for a moment “–such a good kid!!” Seeing that Bai Xiaochun hadn’t lef
t yet, he continued, “Don’t tell me you’re not interested in living forever
? All you have to do is become an Immortal, and then you can live forever! Tha
t’s a really, really long time! Well, it’s time for you to leave now. Even a
baby eagle must learn to fly eventually.
“No matter what situations you run into out there, you have to hang in there
and keep moving forward. Once you leave the village, you can’t come back, bec
ause your path will always lie ahead, not behind!” The old man patted Bai Xia
ochun kindly on the shoulder.
“Live forever….” Bai Xiaochun murmured. A tremor ran through him, and a loo
k of determination slowly filled his eyes. Under the encouraging gazes of the
old man and the other villagers, he nodded his head seriously and looked aroun
d at everyone one last time. Finally, he turned and walked away from the villa
As he disappeared off into the distance, the villagers started to look more an
d more excited. Their forlorn expressions turned to those of joy, and the kind
-faced old man began to tremble. Tears even streamed down his face.
“Justice from Heaven! The weasel… is finally gone! Who was it that told him
they saw an Immortal in the area? Whoever it was, I’m going to give you a hug
e reward on behalf of the village!”?
Justice from Heaven! The weasel… is finally gone!!!!XD
作者: charmsrame (比宝犬) 2017-07-26 13:48:00
英语是我的母语, 中文是我的第二语. 个人觉地它的翻译质量还行.