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作者: freddyeoh (浪漫人生) 看板: NTUfin03
标题: [征才]Swiss Based Investment Bank Recruiting
时间: Sat Dec 21 12:49:51 2013
A Swiss-based leading Investment Bank is recruiting a full-time contractor
for its Equity Derivatives Sales Team
1) Able to work long hours and endure high-pressure environment
2) Detail-oriented, interested in a front-office job
3) Business major preferred (finance, accounting, business administration etc.)
4) No work experience required
1) Coordinate with internal units in facilitation of related sales work,
which is inclusive, but not limited to documentation, negotiation, English
article translation, production of product pitches and client presentation
training, logistics arrangement support etc.
2) Deliver post-sales service, e.g. market research for clients' queries,
liaise with Client Services, Middle and Back Office, complete daily unwind
requests, and fulfil Taiwan regulatory post-sales reporting requirement.
3) Maintain effective dialogues internally with all supporting functions.
How to apply:
Please submit your English CV to freddyeohr98@gmail.com
Candidates are reviewed on a rolling basis.