[情报] Tenure-Track Positions at NTUT (台北科技大学)

楼主: rechercheCA (recherche)   2010-07-02 00:30:22
Faculty positions at the department of business management
National Taipei University of Technology
Position: Assistant, Associate or Full Professor position
1. Applicants should have been awarded a PhD degree in management or finance.
2. Applicants should have the ability to teach in English.
Applicants should include the following document in the applications:
1. Resume ( please download the form from:
http://www.cc.ntut.edu.tw/~wwwper/chinese/modules/tad_uploader/index.php?of_cat_sn=97 )
2. Publications
3. Two recommendation letters
4. Undergraduate and postgraduate transcripts
5. The teaching plans
6. The research plans
Closing date: 15/July/2010
For more details, please log on to:
Please send all the required documents to:
Department of Business Management,
National Taipei University of Technology,
1, Sec. 3, Chung-Hsiao E. Rd.,
Taipei 10608
If you have any enquiries, please contact the department office.
Tel: +886-2-2771-2171 ext. 3404

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