finhisky (finhisky)
2016-02-21 13:34:09Vinhos作者在BGG PO的起始顺位设置方式 (作者提出的建议、非原版规则)
non official 'author suggestion' for a non random start of Vinhos
http://bit.ly/1TsQdOT (短网址)
non-official-author-suggestion-non-random-start-vi (两行要连一起)
1- 玩家先随机选择顺位,并依顺位顺序,购买起始的葡萄庄园
2- 根据购买的葡萄庄园所在的区域,调整玩家顺位
3- 如果有2位以上玩家购买相同区域的葡萄庄园,那些玩家间的先后顺位不改变
4- 根据一般规则的设置,给予所有玩家不同的现金
Hi folks,
I came up with this idea, and publish it here in case you want to start the
game of Vinhos without the random drawn of the player order at the setup.
This is not an official rule, but you can use it if you want.
1- Choose at random the turn order to buy the usual initial Vineyard.
2- Adjust the new player order, following the number on the regions bought.
3- in case of two or more players start in the same region, the order doesn't
4- Give the difference of Bagos to all players following the usual rules of
(3rd and 4th player - +1000 Bagoos, in a 2 players game 2nd player +1000