yomi ( .)
2015-02-27 14:09:00因为最近要玩双人规则,所以顺便翻译了一下
的贸易路线上,放置一个trader(方块),(不列颠扩充中为黄底字的城市: Newcastle,
Chester, York, Norwich, London, also Plymouth and Cardiff)。放置一个中立方块到
每个有奖励标记的路径(不列颠扩充Richmond-Lancaster, Coventry-Nottingham,
是当中立玩家到达20分时,一样call game。
Two Player Rules
When setting up the game, place a non-player trader (neutral color) on all
routes adjacent to cities providing special actions beyond building Kontors
(yellow marked cities Newcastle, Chester, York, Norwich, London, also
Plymouth and Cardiff). Place a neutral trader on all routes with a bonus
marker (Richmond-Lancaster, Coventry-Nottingham, Salisbury-Southampton. Also,
place a neutral trader on the prestige point track – the neutral player may
not win the game, but terminate it with 20 prestige points.
Whenever a neutral trader is displaced, the other player moves it and an
additional neutral trader to an adjacent trade route (regular displacement
rules – neutral traders are not one‘s own traders and may not be placed in
England when displaced in Wales).
If a trade route is entirely occupied with neutral traders, it will be
established immediately (within the active player‘s turn). The active player
places a neutral Kontor in an adjacent city, and prestige points are payed.
Neutral traders occupy the next available house in a city irrespective from it
‘s colour(Privilegium) or shape (Merchant). The remaining traders are
removed from the game board – if the trade route doesn‘t lead to city with
special capabilities: In this case, one trader remains on the trade route
The neutral player doesn‘t use Merchants, but may place traders on sea
routes. If he gains a bonus marker, it will be discarded without being
activated. At the end of his turn the active player inserts new bonus markers
both for himself and the neutral player (regular rules apply). A neutral
trader is placed on all routes newly occupied with bonus markers.
If no empty trade route is left to place a trader, routes with only one
neutral trader may be used instead (Kontor in an adjacent city available
remains unchanged, see basic rules). No additional neutral trader is placed
on such trade routes.
If the neutral player runs out of traders, cubes from an additional neutral
color are used.
Evaluating prestige points at the end of the game, the neutral player may
control cities - which means that a “real” player possessing a “lesser”
Kontor in this city does not gain two prestige points. The neutral player
also gets prestige points for Wales and (during the game) for the Kontor
network between Arnheim and Stendal. But the prestige points for the neutral
player are not counted(the neutral player cannot win the game).
This variant may be played with the basic Hansa Teutonica map, the East
Extension and the Britannia extension map.Two Player Rules
When setting up the game, place a non-player trader (neutral color) on all
routes adjacent to cities providing special actions beyond building Kontors
(yellow marked cities Newcastle, Chester, York, Norwich, London, also
Plymouth and Cardiff). Place a neutral trader on all routes with a bonus
marker (Richmond-Lancaster, Coventry-Nottingham, Salisbury-Southampton. Also,
place a neutral trader on the prestige point track – the neutral player may
not win the game, but terminate it with 20 prestige points.
Whenever a neutral trader is displaced, the other player moves it and an
additional neutral trader to an adjacent trade route (regular displacement
rules – neutral traders are not one‘s own traders and may not be placed in
England when displaced in Wales).
If a trade route is entirely occupied with neutral traders, it will be
established immediately (within the active player‘s turn). The active player
places a neutral Kontor in an adjacent city, and prestige points are payed.
Neutral traders occupy the next available house in a city irrespective from it
‘s colour(Privilegium) or shape (Merchant). The remaining traders are
removed from the game board – if the trade route doesn‘t lead to city with
special capabilities: In this case, one trader remains on the trade route
The neutral player doesn‘t use Merchants, but may place traders on sea
routes. If he gains a bonus marker, it will be discarded without being
activated. At the end of his turn the active player inserts new bonus markers
both for himself and the neutral player (regular rules apply). A neutral
trader is placed on all routes newly occupied with bonus markers.
If no empty trade route is left to place a trader, routes with only one
neutral trader may be used instead (Kontor in an adjacent city available
remains unchanged, see basic rules). No additional neutral trader is placed
on such trade routes.
If the neutral player runs out of traders, cubes from an additional neutral
color are used.
Evaluating prestige points at the end of the game, the neutral player may
control cities - which means that a “real” player possessing a “lesser”
Kontor in this city does not gain two prestige points. The neutral player
also gets prestige points for Wales and (during the game) for the Kontor
network between Arnheim and Stendal. But the prestige points for the neutral
player are not counted(the neutral player cannot win the game).
This variant may be played with the basic Hansa Teutonica map, the East
Extension and the Britannia extension map.