Re: [其他] StatCounter记录中华电信ip的问题

楼主: ballII (无限期征才)   2015-01-28 01:39:23
※ 引述《raura ( )》之铭言:
: 谢谢几位大大在我上一篇文章的推文
: 因为一些原因,我到昨天才考虑会不会是StatCounter的问题
: 今天重看了后台纪录,
: 才注意这几天以来,
: 来源是中华电信的,就只有210.242.215.XX这几组IP
: 毕竟用中华的人也不少,我网志也有高人气文章,不可能只有那位广告商会来XD
: 而且Visitor Path那边疑似记录到我,可是跟我的IP却不符合
: 刚刚才想到装ShinyStat验证一下
: 果然同样的时间,
: ShinyStat记录到我的IP,但StatCounter记录到的还是210.242.215.XX orz
: 很明显StatCounter不知为何,抓不到中华其它的IP
: 只能在210.242.215.XX这范围鬼打墙
: 造成一直有人用同一组IP不同方式拜访我网志的错觉
: 不知有没其它人用StatCounter跟我遇到同样的情况?
: 真是StatCounter误我啊...
“中华电信不知为何弄了个transparent proxy,
Thanks for your patience. Our senior staff has previously looked into this
and there is nothing we can do about how an IP is reported to us. I hope
that makes sense because it's the truest way to describe the situation -
the IP is *reported to us*.
When it comes to IP detection it's not software each company on the
internet has to put together and program themselves all creating their
own "IP detection logic". These sorts of things have industry standards
and everyone is using something extremely similar if not exactly the
Let me give an example. In the programming language PHP which is
widely used by such sites as Facebook, Google, etc, to get the IP of a
visitor you simply use a code like :
To get the IP in the programming language Python which is also widely
used it's something like
And that's it, there's nothing more to be done. As you can see here there
is no room for error. It's not a big complex program to be tweaked and
have the bugs worked out. IP detection is extremely standardized and a
fundamental part of how the internet works.
*If* there were a glitch in how we record IP's it should be effecting a great
many people as we log an enormous amount of hits per day. But the only
IP's with this issue come from only this 1 network.
The important part is how IP's are setup are part of someone elses
network and configuration. In this case they seem to be running two IP
networks in some unique configuration. It could be that the 210.* range is
part of a proxy network they use for various reasons.
Our domain might be filtered on their network for whatever reason. We
are one of the oldest and most established visitor tracker and sometimes
that gets us on filter list.
I hope this makes sense. If you could relay this information to the other
people on your message boards I would greatly appreciate it.
StatCounter Team
作者: sigurose (胜利玫瑰。)   2015-01-28 09:31:00
Transparent Proxy(透明代理服务器)通常是为了降低连外流量,TP Server会优先利用cache内撷取的资源传输给其他浏览同网站(或索取相同资料)的用户,以增加传输速度。这个问题应该可以利用HiNet技术及障碍问题信箱(反映,说明原委和提供StatCounter的回复,给HiNet系统人员参考
楼主: ballII (无限期征才)   2015-01-30 16:39:00
谢谢楼上 中华电信坚持我提供帐号资料才能回复 但我没有

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