A : 我们一直在寻找新的方式来给玩家奖励。这对免费玩家尤其重要。下个版本我们将送给每个玩家一个免费英雄,不管你是老玩家还是新玩家。你将有机会从3个英雄里选择1个,如果你这3个都有了,你将可以从另外3个里选一个。如果你每个英雄都有了,我们会送你金币。
Bit more detail that we've been sharing here at Gamescom:
Initial selection is Tyrande, Anub'arak, and Thrall. If you own one or more of those, there are three other heroes that will backfill in so you have options. If you own all 6, you'll get gold instead.
Applies to both new players and existing ones.
Usual caveat: until this is actually live it could still change.