第24届Mosconi杯(Mosconi Cup XXIV),将于本月的12月4日(一)~7日(四)举行,地点为
美国赌城(Las Vegas),场地为Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino(曼德勒海湾度假村)。
美国队成员:Shane Van Boening(南达科他州)、Skyler Woodward(肯塔基州)、
Oscar Dominguez(加州)、Dennis Hatch(密西根州)、Billy Thorpe(俄亥俄州)。
美国队队长:Johan Ruijsink(荷兰)
欧洲队成员:Ralf Souquet、Joshua Filler(以上两位皆为德国代表)、NVDB(荷兰)、
David Alcaide(西班牙)、Jayson Shaw(苏格兰)。
欧洲队队长:Marcus Chamat(瑞典)
(21 matches, race to 5, alternate break, first Team to 11 points)
Monday, December 4, 2017
Match 01 Team match (All 5 to play,五人团体赛)
Match 02 Doubles match
Match 03 Singles match
Match 04 Doubles match (All players to have played once in matches 02-04)
Match 05 Singles match (Can't be the same player as Match 03)
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Match 06 Doubles match
Match 07 Singles match (Can't be the same player as Match 03 & 05)
Match 08 Doubles match (All players to have played once in matches 06-08)
Match 09 Singles match (Can't be the same player as Matches 03 & 05 & 07)
Match 10 Doubles match
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Match 11 Doubles match (All players to have played once in match 09-11)
Match 12 Singles match *(Must be the player who didn't play in Matches 03 & 05
& 07 & 09)
Match 13 Doubles match *
Match 14 Singles match *
Match 15 Doubles match *(All players to have played once in matches 12-15)
Thursday, December 7, 2017 *
Match 16 Singles match *
Match 17 Singles match *
Match 18 Singles match *
Match 19 Singles match *
Match 20 Singles match *(All players to have played once in matches 16-20)
Match 21 Singles match *(Captains pick,队长指定)