就是ootp24目前只会有大小联盟 KBO和美国的独立联盟
不过 如果你的ootp23档案有日职 中职等等其他联盟
你还是可以汇入24并正常游玩的 那些联盟不会因此消失
Dear OOTP Fans,
You probably all remember the controversy about a pro league removal from OOTP a
few weeks ago. This was a very hard time for us as a team and also for me perso
nally. But unfortunately, for legal reasons, it was a necessary step. Now, in or
der to minimize any risk of something similar happening ever again, we have deci
ded to remove all non-licensed international leagues containing real data from O
OTP 24.
This means, OOTP 24 will only include the MLB, MiLB, US Indy Leagues and the KBO
as options when you choose to start a new standard game. Existing saved games t
hat you import from OOTP 23 are not altered and fictional international leagues
are still available, though.
I know for some users this is not good news right now, but we continue to try to
secure the official licenses of pro leagues around the world and I am certain o
ur modding community will come up with international league templates / quicksta
rts that will work at least as well as those we used to ship the game with.
Markus & the entire OOTP Team
作者: JoFz (滑曲球大师) 2023-03-04 18:23:00
楼上不可能了 你只能另外创造新的日本联盟队伍名字跟联盟名字不要设定成跟NPB一样不然又会变成非洲联盟
作者: JoFz (滑曲球大师) 2023-03-06 16:18:00
原文只有说fictional international leagues are still available我很怕我的日职又被鬼转...自从把日职移除后,23我就没再玩过了
应该是说虚拟联盟还是有中职 但就是内容物都不是现实的
后来仔细想了一下 这代不排除也有数据随机化的机制要汇入档案之前先改一下队名应该好点
没中职 只有MLB 韩职 MLB partner 联盟跟WBCUI不知道是改得太烂还是我还没习惯 感觉很难用
以前玩MLB都会顺便开海外联盟 现在改成这样有点无聊...
作者: ifvrit6413 (Ifvrit) 2023-03-25 15:13:00
作者: ae8656tw (ae8656tw) 2023-03-25 16:41:00
感觉卖给韩国之后 变得很糟
作者: ae8656tw (ae8656tw) 2023-03-27 10:06:00
后悔当初没买22 现在绝版了
MaribelHearn (マエリベリー・ãƒãƒ¼ãƒ³)
2023-03-27 15:59:00现在都直接版本退回去 继续玩23 世界大苹果
sunways (米球)
2023-03-27 21:16:00现在感觉重心都在PT,毕竟这是可让玩家另外掏钱的地方
作者: bpsb (☯ 好命师 ☯) 2023-04-30 01:10:00