Max Fried is expected to sign with the Red Sox or Yankees and should get a dea
l exceeding $200M, per @BNightengale.
Max Fried 红袜或洋基为主要竞争者
.@BNightengale on the Juan Soto derby:
"The New York #Mets remain the favorites, executives say, but officials cautio
n that the Yankees, Toronto Blue Jays and Boston Red Sox are all in the same $
700+ million neighborhood."
Bidding could exceed $750 million over 14-15 years.
南丁格尔表示梅子在Soto 争夺战中领先,不过大都会 洋基 蓝鸟及红袜都开出700M以上
Sources: Yoan Moncada is generating a lot of interest in the market. The Toron
to Blue Jays is one of the teams with real interest right now.
Per Francys Romero
Pete Alonso will give the Mets final ability to match offers, per @JonHeyman.
Alonso给予梅子最后match offer的机会