LA Times访问了几位法律专家对水原涉赌事件的看法
The public so far has only a fragmented picture of the case. But more facts
could emerge in coming days and weeks, legal experts said, as federal
prosecutors try to make sense of competing claims about Ohtani’s money being
used to pay down gambling debts with a suspected illegal bookmaker in
California. One key question — but not the only one — is whether the
Japanese slugger was, as his representatives claim, the victim of a “massive
theft” by his interpreter and right-hand man, Ippei Mizuhara.
一个关键的问题是 到底大谷是不是像他律师宣称的那样 是被水原偷钱的受害者
Ifrah said high-paid athletes often have staff who handle their business and
financial interests, and sometimes do fall victim to betrayal by those people.
“We get a lot of calls about professional athletes being in some kind of
financial mess because someone close to them accesses their accounts or uses
some sort of authority to access their financial assets,” Ifrah said.
Because of that, the first question he would be asking if he were a
prosecutor on the case, he said, is what kind of access Mizuhara had to Ohtani
’s bank accounts. Ifrah said it would be hard to imagine Mizuhara siphoning
millions from Ohtani in cash — which is what most illegal bookmakers deal
in, if not crypto payments — without Ohtani or his financial managers
knowing or agreeing to it.
“You start to wonder, how was that a ‘massive theft’?” Ifrah said. “How
did someone go and get cash from a bank account or liquidate one of your
financial assets to get cash without you knowing?”
前联邦检察官 运彩法专家Jeff Ifrah表示
很难想像在没有大谷或他的理专知情或同意下 水原还有办法从大谷身上偷几百万现金
"你开始怀疑 这样算大规模偷窃吗? 谁有办法在你不知情下从帐户拿钱?"
Daniel Wallach, a sports betting and gambling attorney in Florida, agreed
that any disappearance of millions of dollars should have set off alarms for
the people who manage Ohtani’s assets and should have been addressed long
before the media started asking questions.
“The biggest red flag of all is that this pronouncement that there has been
this ‘massive theft’ only occurred in response to the media poking around
— like it was Crisis Management 101 to shift the attention away from Ohtani,
” he said.
Wallach said there are so many unanswered questions and contradictory
explanations from Ohtani and Mizuhara at this point that, in addition to the
federal investigation, MLB has no choice but to launch its own review — in
part to make a decision as to whether Ohtani deserves to be sidelined.
“This requires a full-on investigation because there’s so many
inconsistencies and already deeply troubling facts,” he said. “MLB needs to
get as much information about this as possible early on to make at least a
preliminary assessment as to whether Ohtani should be placed on leave until
the conclusion of an investigation.”
另一位赌博法专家Daniel Wallach同意当几百万消失时
"最大问题是偷窃这说法是在回应媒体时才发生的 就像要帮大谷转移注意力"
Wallach也督促MLB要尽早展开调查 至少要先确定大谷是否应该暂时停职调查