然后由凯雷集团创办人David Rubenstein担任主要持有者
In David Rubenstein's first statement, he says: "Our collective goal will be to
bring a World Series Trophy back to the City of Baltimore."
David Rubenstein在声明中提到:
除了David Rubenstein,还有以下其他的投资者
The Orioles make it official:
The Angelos family is selling a controlling stake in the franchise to Baltimore
billionaire David Rubenstein — joined by:
‧ Cal Ripken Jr
‧ Mike Bloomberg
‧ NBA HOF Grant Hill
‧ Former mayor Kurt Schmoke
‧ Washington Spirit owner Michele Kang
战神管理公司创办人Mike Arougheti
前纽约市长Mike Bloomberg
MLB名人堂球星Cal Ripken Jr
NBA名人堂球星Grant Hill
前巴尔的摩市市长Kurt Schmoke
女足华盛顿精神老板Michele Kang
Mike Bloomberg不知投多少,他里面最有钱的吧XD
A spokesperson for David Rubenstein confirms Rubenstein will become the control
person of the Orioles. John Angelos will become a senior adviser for the Orioles
organization and the family will continue as a major investor.
David Rubenstein发言人也确认Angelos家族仍持续是球团的投资人之一
前老板John Angelos也将担任球团顾问一职