※ 引述《Axwell (Axwell)》之铭言:
: 经纪人Nez Balelo专访
: 原文:
: https://reurl.cc/o5OyVj
: When Shohei Ohtani reached free agency last month, he asked his agent, Nez
: Balelo, “What if I defer all my salary so that my team has a better chance
: to compete?” Balelo says he dove into collective bargaining agreement
: language and found no limit on how much salary a player could defer. The onl
: provision: a player must be paid at least the minimum salary.
: 当大谷翔平上个月成为自由球员时,他问他的经纪人Nez Balelo:"如果我把薪资全部延
: 支付,让我的球队有更好的机会竞争,这样怎么样?"
: Balelo表示,他查阅了集体谈判协议的条款,并发现没有关于球员可以延迟支付薪资数额
: 唯一的规定是:球队必须至少支付最低薪资。
: 原本打算不领薪水吗....==
: 只靠业外收入养活自己XD
: 最后一段有提到
: 为确保道奇兑现对他无私奉献的承诺,大谷要求在合约中加入条款,保证球队会利用他为
: 队创造的薪资空间来签下其他好手。
: 但Balelo没有透漏任何具体条款。
: To assure the Dodgers honor his gesture of unselfishness, Ohtani asked for
: language in his contract that assures the club will make good on its promise
: to use the savings he created to build a competitive team around him,
: according to one source familiar with those negotiations. Balelo would not
: discuss any such specific language in the contract.
从这方面来看,今年的山本、Hader ,还有下一季的Soto 都是道奇囊中物了