因为Elly De La Cruz在小联盟的时候与BLA公司签约,同意上大联盟的时候将10%的薪水给B LA,同时BLA当时提供他贷款供他吃穿。 BLA是一间会贷款给小联盟球员的公 司,并且跟该球员谈条件,如果该球员上大联盟,未来生涯的薪水抽一定比例的薪资给BLA 。 这个商业模式蛮有趣的耶 不过也显示小联盟球员薪水真的很惨 我记得Eric Sim 分享过 他2012跟巨人签约的时候 1A 2A每个月(有打球的时候) 才给1000镁 没打球的时候就放生你 如果你连1A都没有 在camp等机会 只有每天的伙食金20镁 Reds top prospect Elly de la Cruz will pay 10% of his career salary earnings due to an agreement he signed with Big League Advantage (BLA), a company that loans money to athletes in exchange of a percentage of his salary earnings if he reac hes a major league in their sport. Low bonuses and minor league salaries push young players to this agreements. https://twitter.com/hgomez27/status/1667164649731571716?s=20