The election for the next Korean Professional Baseball Players Association (Athl
ete Association) has been invalidated. An emergency meeting of the board of dire
ctors is planned to be held as an unprecedented situation in which the person wi
th the most votes is withdrawn from the presidency.
Yang Eui-ji, president of the Athletes Association, who was elected two years ag
o, will step down after completing his two-year term. In order to select the nex
t president of the Athletes Association to succeed Chairman Yang Eui-ji, the Ath
letes Association board of directors formed a candidate for the presidential ele
ction based on the top 20 annual salaries in the league. It was a different stan
dard from when Yang Eui-ji was elected as president, when three players with the
highest salary in each team were automatically included in the presidential ele
ction candidates.
An official from the Athletes Association said, “Two years ago, the board of di
rectors judged that it was too many people to put a total of 30 people in the pr
esidential election candidates, including the top three in each team’s annual s
alary. He said, “I expected that narrowing down the vote to the top 20 players
in the league would more accurately reflect the vote, so I voted for the next At
hletes Association president.”
The Athletes Association should focus on discussing with the KBO and clubs over
the reintroduction of the second draft along with the abolition of the four-year
FA reacquisition period during the off-season this winter. Even though there ar
e so many things to do, it is absolutely not a positive sign that the vacancy of
the next president of the Athletes Association is getting longer.
Veteran player A said, “I don’t know if it is right for only super-high-paid p
eople to become candidates for the presidential election. Whether the annual sal
ary is 50 million won or 100 million won, shouldn't a player who can show sincer
ity for the rights of the players rise to the position of president? Like the Ma
jor League Players Union, I think retired players can take over as president. Ap
parently, super-high-income earners have a lot of roles and responsibilities wit
hin the team. There are many realistic aspects that cannot be focused only on th
e Athletes’ Association,” he pointed out.
Player A continued, “I personally can’t make it into the top 20 in the league
’s annual salary, but if I am asked to be the president, I have the heart to wo
rk really hard. He raised his voice, saying, “It is not a position that I want
to end after simply completing my two-year term, but a position that needs to be
trusted enough to be told to re-appoint me.”
The Athletes Association plans to hold an emergency board of directors meeting o
n December 1st to consider measures to deal with the results of the election for
the next president. It is expected that there will be discussions not only on f
uture re-elections, but also on essential issues regarding the structure of the
election of the president