The city is anticipating a pair of lawsuits from the team regarding a planned fi
re station in the Angel Stadium parking lot. Angels’ attorney Allan Abshez has
pushed back, saying the city lacks the authority to do so.
Abshez added that if the city does not cancel the contract for the station withi
n 30 days, the team would consider Anaheim in default of its stadium lease and w
ork to cancel its contract with the city.
对此天使球团律师Allan Abshez表示政府没有权利这样做
The Angels’ stadium lease allows the city to develop a portion of the parking l
ot, but only for the following uses: a football stadium, a youth sports facility
, hotels, shops, restaurants, offices and entertainment venues.
“A fire station is not a permitted use,” Abshez wrote.
The city owns the stadium and surrounding area — a fact that has caused ongoing
legal tangles throughout the year.
In 2019, the city agreed to sell Angel Stadium for $320 million as part of a 151
-acre property to a company controlled by team owner Arte Moreno. The city was t
o receive $150 million in cash.
Moreno’s company was to use $170 million in development credits to include affo
rdable housing and parks as part of a development that would create homes, retai
l, restaurants, office space, and hotels.
The deal fell apart amid allegations that then-mayor Harry Sidhu passed confiden
tial information to the team on multiple occasions. Sidhu resigned as mayor effe
ctive May 24, 2022.
Moreno is now in the process of selling the team.
天使老板Arte Moreno一直想把天使球场以及周围土地买下来