[分享] 皇家队友眼中的Zack Greinke

楼主: blackpanther ( )   2022-09-27 13:30:57
Zack Greinke’s 2022 Royals teammates share stories: ‘There are so many good
The Athletic has written (at least) three oral histories on Zack Greinke, a
likely Hall of Fame pitcher and one of baseball’s great characters.
This might seem like overkill to some. Not to Royals pitcher Brady Singer.
“I’ve read The Athletic ones a hundred times,” Singer said. “Freaking so
good. I love it. I wish they were longer. I mean, they’re already long as s
—, but I wish there were even more because it’s so much fun.”
前言:本报已经写了(至少)三则和Zack Greinke这位极可能是未来名人堂成员以及
这对有些人来说可能已经太多,但皇家投手Brady Singer可不这么认为。
“我读了那些The Athletics的文章上百次了”Singer说“他X的超棒,我超爱。我希望
Well, Brady, here you go: The best stories from Greinke’s reunion with the
Royals this season.
Michael Massey, second baseman: There are so many good ones.
Nicky Lopez, infielder: He’s the best.
Collin Snyder, pitcher: We’re in Texas and a couple of guys were playing
cards before the game. They were talking about guys collecting stuff. (Dylan)
Coleman asked if Greinke collects anything cool. And he was just like: “Got
a bunch of houses.”
Jake Brentz, pitcher: He’s hilarious and he doesn’t even try.
Lopez: I was on the bench with him and we were facing someone who really
liked cats. I was like: “You can’t trust anyone who likes cats.” He goes:
“Yeah, man, you really can’t.” I go: “I like dogs. You got any, Zack?”
He goes: “Nah, I would never get dogs. I’ve got a cat, though.”
Bobby Witt, infielder: Just Zack being Zack. He’s awesome.
J.J. Picollo, general manager: When I first came here, he was in Double A. I’
d never met him before. We were in the old Tulsa stadium and I was standing
in the dugout. He walked up and introduced himself and he started asking me
about my background. A trash truck drove by on the road beyond the outfield.
He goes: “That’s an admirable job and they should get paid a lot more money.
” I didn’t know what he was talking about. He goes: “The guys who collect
trash. What would we do if we didn’t have people to collect the trash?” And
then he just walked away.
Merrifield: In Houston, they have this golf simulator in the hotel lobby.
There were like 10 of us down there, messing around. Zack was down there,
then his family showed up and he abruptly got up and said, “I gotta go.
Family is here.” Forty-five minutes later, he comes strolling back down…We’
re like, “Zack! Didn’t expect to see you back.” He’s like, “Yeah. I saw
the kids, figured I’d rather come hit golf balls.” Just barefoot. Walking
through the lobby of the Four Seasons. Like it’s his kitchen.
Vinnie Pasquantino, first baseman: He beats to his own drum, but in a good
Massey: He’s an unbelievable teammate.
Brentz: I don’t think there’s one guy in the clubhouse that doesn’t love
Scott Barlow, pitcher: He’s the man. I love that guy.
Michael Massey,二垒手:“有太多精采的故事了”
Nicky Lopez,内野手:“他是最棒的”
Collin Snyder,投手:“我们当时在德州然后几个人赛前在打牌,他们在讨论些收藏
品。Dylan Coleman问Greinke有没有啥很酷的收藏品,他只回答‘一堆房子。’”
Jake Brentz,投手:“他真的很好笑,而且他甚至不用装。”
Bobby Witt,内野手:“这就是Zack本色,他真的超棒。”
J.J. Picollo,总管:“我刚来的时候他在2A。我之前从没见过他。我们当时在老Tulsa
Vinnie Pasquantino,一垒手:“他我行我素,但是是往好的方向。”
Scott Barlow,投手:“他太了不起了,我爱他。”
Jonathan Heasley, pitcher: The first time we all felt comfortable was in
spring training. He invited all the starters to his house one night, and we
all grabbed dinner and hung out over there. That was when we kinda broke the
Brady Singer, pitcher: That was unbelievable.
Heasley: When we first got there, at his house, we were hitting some chip
shots. He’s got a little green in his backyard. We’re hitting some balls
back there.
Merrifield: When we fly, he has three irons and a putter that he brings with
him. I guess in his room he’ll put a mattress up against the wall and just
hit golf balls into the mattress.
Singer: He goes: “Do any of you guys golf?” We’d just met him, haven’t
really talked to him. We’re like: “Yeah, yeah, we all golf.” He’s like, “
What are you?” I’m like, “Oh, a 12 (handicap), somewhere around there.”
He goes, “Yeah, you’ll never play with me.”
Lynch: Basically, like, “You guys can’t play with me because you’re not
good enough.”
Singer: We were sitting there at his house and he walks out with a brown
paper bag. He’s sitting there and just starts eating out of it. He was just
eating a whole entire bag of fried chicken.
Heasley: He asked us if we were hungry. We’re like, “Yeah, a little.” It
was pretty early. He’s like, “Well, I just ordered some chicken, but that’
s for me. So if you guys want to order something later, we can figure
something out.” We’re all just looking around like, “Alright! Sounds good!

Singer: I said I’d Uber Eats something. He goes, “No, no, no. I’ve got a
guy.” So he texted the guy and here comes all this food. I think he said he
had received an order from Uber Eats and he liked the guy and he said: “Hey,
can I hire you to just be my Uber Eats driver?” So he has his own Uber Eats
driver. He has his own food guy.
Heasley: And it was awesome. Hung out. Sat around and talked baseball, life.
Jonathan Heasley,投手:“我们第一次对彼此感到自在是春训的时候。他有一晚邀请
Brady Singer,投手:“那真的是不可思议。”
Singer:“我说我要叫Uber Eats。他说‘不不、等等,我找人处理。’然后他就传了讯
息给某人然后食物就送上来了。我记得他说他有次叫了Uber Eats然后他很喜欢那个外送
员,就问他‘嘿,我可以雇用你作为我的专属Uber Eats外送员吗?’于是他就有了他的
私人Uber Eats外送员、他有他专属的食物来源。”
Singer: The cool thing is how addicted he is to the game. He watches, studies
all day long.
Mike Matheny, manager: And he loves it.
Lynch: Sometimes he’ll be like, “I looked at your metrics. Remember how you
thought you were being unlucky? No, they’re actually crushing you on that
pitch.” Or, “Keep throwing that because you’re getting unlucky.”
Brad Keller, pitcher: I was like, “I’m not getting righties out as well as
I want to. I feel like I’ve been getting lefties out more.” That night, he
went home and I get a text message at like 2 a.m. He’s sending me all the
data points. He’s like, “This is what I saw. These are the things I gather.
” Out of the blue.
Salvador Perez, catcher: One of the smartest pitchers I’ve ever met in my
Barlow: When I’m done pitching, he’ll come up to me and be like: “You
threw a fastball with two strikes. That was interesting. You never do that.”
Perez: Even if he’s not pitching, he always pays attention and comes up to
me like: “Hey, that was a good pitch right there.” Or: “That guy hits
changeups; why did you call a changeup?”
Kyle Isbel, outfielder: He has a unique outlook on stuff.
Lynch: I was basically like, “I sucked today.” And he’s like, “You
sucked, yeah. But they didn’t hit you at all and you only gave up three runs
in almost five innings and we won the game. So, if that’s you sucking then
that’s a good thing.”
Isbel: In spring training, he went up to O’Hearn and Ryan introduced
himself. Zack was like: “Oh, you’re Ryan O’Hearn. Left-handed. Plays first
base.” He goes: “You got a hit off me 3-0 count, fastball, you beat the
shift the other way.”
Ryan O’Hearn, first baseman: He was spot on.
Perez: He’s one of the best I’ve ever seen at preparing himself to pitch.
Massey: When I was younger, I would watch him on TV. I’m like, “This guy is
incredible, future Hall of Famer, I wonder what he does to get ready before a
start.” Flash forward. Now I’m his teammate and I’m warming up in the
weight room. He comes in with his big, baggy shirt on. He sits down on the
ground, pretzel style. Literally crisscross applesauce. He’s just sitting
there for a minute. He pulls a banana out of his pocket and starts eating a
banana crisscross applesauce on the weight room floor. He drops the banana
peel, stands up with a baseball, walks over to the wall and starts slowly
throwing a ball off the wall and catching it. I walked out and was like: “So
that’s what a Hall of Fame pitcher does before he starts, huh?”
Picollo: He’s just repeating his delivery pitch after pitch after pitch. And
you wonder why this guy has been able to pitch 18 years? That’s why.
Lynch: He loves the game. It’s been his thing forever. And it will remain
his thing.
Mike Matheny,总仔:“而且他爱死了。”
Brad Keller,投手:“我有次说‘我对上右打者不像对左打者那么顺利。’那晚他回家
Salvador Perez,捕手:“他是我这辈子遇过最聪明的投手之一。”
Kyle Isbel,外野手:“他对事情总有独到见解。”
Ryan O'Hearn。左撇子、一垒手。’他继续说‘你在零好三坏的时候面对快速球、从我
Ryan O'Hearn:“他说的精准无误。”
Lopez: They’re doing the fantasy football draft. He ends up drafting two or
three quarterbacks.
Witt: He had (Justin) Herbert and (Josh) Allen back to back.
Lopez: I’m like: “Zack, you know you can only play one at a time and you
just wasted picks in the fourth and sixth rounds.” He’s like: “Yeah, I
really like Josh Allen, but looking back it probably wasn’t my best move.”
Witt: He drafted two of the top quarterbacks back to back just to try to make
some trades.
O’Hearn: He doesn’t offer fair trades on fantasy football. That’s a fact.
Cam Gallagher, catcher: I’ve got Russell Wilson at quarterback, but he
offered me a quarterback, his fourth-best receiver and fifth-best running
back for my first or second receiver. I go: “What are you doing?” He goes:
“What? The quarterback will score more points.” I’m like: “Yeah, but you
can only start one a week.”
Witt: I think I’ve gotten about 10 trades from Zack.
Gallagher: I’ve gotten three today alone.
Witt: He’ll text me and be like: “Hey, I just sent you a trade.” About 10
minutes later, he’ll go: “Actually, I’m going to reject the trade, I don’
t like it.”
Gallagher: He sends out so many trades a day, and I don’t think he’s made a
single trade yet.
Lopez: Someone texted him about the trade that he had sent and they sent him
back another trade proposal. All he texted back was: “Wow, I’ve never
thought about that. Give me some time to reflect on this.”
Gallagher: It’s just constant entertainment.
Jose Cuas, pitcher: I don’t really know about fantasy football; this is the
first time I’ve done it. The first thing he told me when I walked in was: “
Hey, your team sucks.”
Gallagher: He always wears this three- or four-XL Travis Mathew t-shirt that’
s waaaay too big for him. The sleeves come down to his elbows.
Merrifield: I asked him about it. He said, “I don’t know, it used to not be
this big.”
Gallagher: He tried to propose a trade to me, and I gave him a smart remark.
The next day he said, “Good luck to everyone, except for Cam.” As a joke in
the group chat, I said, “When we face off against each other, if I beat you,
you’ve got to sign that four XL t-shirt and send it to me.” He goes: “
Deal. But if I win, you’ve got to sign a used jockstrap and send it to me.”
Witt:“他一连选了Justin Herbert和Josh Allen。”
第四和第六轮的选秀签。’他说‘对啊,我真的很喜欢Josh Allen,但回过头来看这
Cam Gallagher,捕手:“我四分卫已经有Russell Wilson了,但他又想拿一个四分卫、
Jose Cuas,投手:“我对梦幻足球一无所知,这是我第一次玩。我记得我开始玩后他对
Gallagher:“他总是穿着他那件对他来说太大的XXXL还是XXXXL的Travis Mathew球衣,
Singer: He’s just so freaking honest.
Witt: Sometimes when I make a good play, I’ll talk to him in the dugout and
he’ll be like: “I really didn’t think you were going to make that play.”
Barlow: We were playing catch. I threw him a couple curveballs, a couple
sliders, and he was like: “Were those sliders towards the end?” I was like,
“Yeah.” And he goes, “Yeah, they weren’t very good.”
Merrifield: I was sitting behind him and Salvy. They were talking about the
lineup in St. Louis and how to pitch guys and who was aggressive early in the
count. It was early in the year still. He turned around and goes: “You like
to swing at the first pitch, right?” I said, “Yeah, sometimes. If it’s
there. I’m not interested in letting a good pitch go by.” And he said, “
Yeah, the staff in Houston told me you like to swing at the first pitch, but
then I thought, you know, I’d just throw a fastball away. What’s the worst
that could happen? You’d hit a flare to right?”
Cal Eldred, pitching coach: Yeah, he’s pretty blunt.
Matheny: I played catch with him today. I said, “I can say I caught Zack
Greinke.” He goes, “You caught me in between innings, don’t you remember?
” I’m like, “Oh yeah. But then you went and got somebody else.” He goes,
“Yeah, because I gave up runs. You were bad luck.” I was like, “That’s
such crap.” Then he said something (about me), like, “Get somebody else
because these guys need to be able to come in and throw their good stuff.”…
Like, “You’re not good to catch everybody’s good stuff.” He said that out
Witt: That’s who Greinke is. He just tells you everything straight up.
Merrifield: Talking to Brad (Keller) around the trade deadline. I was like, “
Brad, if I get traded or you get traded and I face you, any time I get to a
3-2 pitch, I’m going to sit slider.” Zack said, “And then what are you
going to do with it? Flip it to right?” That day, I hit a homer off a
(Michael) Kopech slider and came in the dugout and started yelling at Zack.
He liked that. He cracks this little side-mouth smirk.
Lopez: We were all sitting around and it was a bunch of young guys who just
got called up and Zack. I go: “I’ll give $100 to whoever guesses where Zack
was committed to.”
Massey: We’re all guessing, and he’s like: “No, no.”
Lopez: Someone said Creighton or another university and he looked at them and
goes: “I was the four-time Gatorade player of the year. Do you think I would
ever go there?”
Massey: I was on the ground.
Eldred: The first time he waved me out (out of the dugout), I was like: “
This guy is waving me out to the mound?”
Picollo: Nobody really knew what to do.
Eldred: He waves me out and goes: “I don’t really need anything. I just
need a break.”
Picollo: All the sudden you see the entire infield start laughing.
Merrifield: He’s just different.
Daniel Lynch, pitcher: My wife homeschools his kids for right now. My wife
and his are friends now. And he came up to me in the dugout and was like, “
Oh, just the guy I wanted to see.” I was like, “Oh goodness, what’s this?
” He had his phone out and said, “Do you think Millie would want to teach
at my baseball school in Hawaii?” I was like, “What?” He’s like, “Yeah,
I want to buy 3,000 acres in Hawaii and build a baseball school there.” …
He was being 100 percent serious. He sent me the land and everything.
Massey: It was the Toronto series when we all got called up with the Covid
stuff going on. We get on a plane and had no idea what we were doing on a big
league charter, had no idea how any of it works. Everyone gets on with a suit
and tie, looking really nice. Zack gets on in a suit and tie. He’s sitting a
couple of rows in front of me, and I see him stand up just as everyone is
getting seated. He starts unbuttoning his shirt and I’m like: “Alright, what
’s he doing?” He unbuttons his pants, pulls everything off and he’s in
like a Royals jumpsuit, grabs the pillows, lays down and takes a nap. He
literally had a Royals jumpsuit on underneath his suit and tie.
Gallagher: He’s one of a kind.
Lynch: From the stuff he says, I can tell he keeps up with certain guys. I
hope I’ll be one of them. I still think it’s cool any time he texts me. It’
s like, Zack Greinke pops up on my phone.
Merrifield: I really loved being his teammate.
Lopez: To be honest, it’s an honor to share a clubhouse with him.
Heasley: It’s just a privilege to share a locker room with him.
Keller: He’s the man.
Cal Eldred,投手教练:“对啊,他就是这么直接。”
Merrifield:“交易大限附近我跟Brad Keller聊了一下。我跟他说‘Brad,如果我们俩
然后你要干嘛?’那晚我相中Michael Kopech的滑球敲出全垒打。我回休息区后开始对
作者: sesd (囧)   2022-09-27 13:33:00
果然很符合他人设 他就是个怪咖 但这样很好 不用理别人眼光
作者: citpo (GOOD JOB)   2022-09-27 13:34:00
推ZG + 翻译
作者: flame1030 (阿光)   2022-09-27 13:37:00
作者: leaveaway (@.@)   2022-09-27 13:38:00
作者: Rayshief (老A)   2022-09-27 13:41:00
作者: Alvarez   2022-09-27 13:41:00
很屌的一个人 大谷能让这位怪咖欣赏他 代表大谷也够怪?
作者: Poleaxe (远离罪恶渊薮)   2022-09-27 13:43:00
作者: strayfrog (蛙)   2022-09-27 13:44:00
作者: sharok (疯)   2022-09-27 13:46:00
有看有推 真是个有趣的家伙 也真的够怪 XD
作者: efreet (Soth)   2022-09-27 13:46:00
作者: TRosenthal (DavidFreese)   2022-09-27 13:46:00
作者: zxas570730 (Reach)   2022-09-27 13:55:00
作者: glenliu (GlenLiu)   2022-09-27 13:56:00
作者: tobbaco (tobbaco)   2022-09-27 13:57:00
作者: Greinke (Greinke)   2022-09-27 14:00:00
作者: Shianer (流浪球迷)   2022-09-27 14:01:00
比赛时叫教练上来说要休息也超好笑 XDDD
作者: MScorsese (^^)   2022-09-27 14:02:00
推翻译 非常有趣
作者: gremon131 (爱乱咬的灰鹦)   2022-09-27 14:03:00
作者: victor87710 (路过的杂兵)   2022-09-27 14:03:00
作者: cat110211 (子猫)   2022-09-27 14:05:00
作者: skyline9981 (skyline9981)   2022-09-27 14:08:00
作者: AAaaron (....)   2022-09-27 14:08:00
这些对话怎么好像幽默漫画还是什么搞笑美剧的对话? XD
作者: xd12346dx1 (就邱)   2022-09-27 14:10:00
作者: Tokuseki (世纪大鲁翁)   2022-09-27 14:12:00
作者: nashQ (小N)   2022-09-27 14:13:00
超赞超喜欢他的 对话超疯XD 虽然某部分也是基于他自身的强大
作者: axion6012 (维森)   2022-09-27 14:15:00
推推 有够赞
作者: tavern (zzzzzzz)   2022-09-27 14:18:00
作者: spree8 (Enter Sandman)   2022-09-27 14:19:00
作者: Kangaroo09 (Kangaroo)   2022-09-27 14:19:00
作者: chris0112 (chris0112)   2022-09-27 14:23:00
真的是怪咖 但好有趣的感觉
作者: ThisIsNotKFC (Time to Change)   2022-09-27 14:26:00
作者: Karbee   2022-09-27 14:31:00
fun guy
作者: ohtar   2022-09-27 14:31:00
作者: jeter8695 (kuangkuang )   2022-09-27 14:35:00
Z魔神真的笑死 我只是想休息一下https://i.imgur.com/I1bTI0v.jpg
作者: sbmylife (ILA)   2022-09-27 14:37:00
笑死 最爱的投手之一
作者: ChenTzuHao (一号重砲陈孜昊)   2022-09-27 14:37:00
作者: soria0225 (Soria)   2022-09-27 14:42:00
作者: Johseagull (小哥强强)   2022-09-27 14:52:00
Z魔真的是我的最爱 自己也强
作者: kakashi71 (zoro71)   2022-09-27 14:55:00
他真的超好笑 很爱看他的这些小故事
作者: RanceTsai (bard334)   2022-09-27 14:57:00
作者: k7black   2022-09-27 15:00:00
作者: jet113102 (传说中的Yi)   2022-09-27 15:04:00
作者: SmallBearWin (小熊今年得冠军)   2022-09-27 15:08:00
作者: AhCheng (Never Walk Alone)   2022-09-27 15:09:00
作者: zaza1128 (马不停蹄)   2022-09-27 15:11:00
作者: s90523 (小枫)   2022-09-27 15:21:00
谢谢翻译 真的好爱ZG
作者: ak74box   2022-09-27 15:24:00
作者: Beantownfan (豆城电风扇)   2022-09-27 15:27:00
作者: rockroddick (Portugal Goooooooooooal)   2022-09-27 15:32:00
作者: akanishiking (一万卡系荣誉 校友)   2022-09-27 15:33:00
专属Uber Eats外送员 有够大牌
作者: finalzerd (无‧解)   2022-09-27 15:34:00
作者: westsky (West)   2022-09-27 15:36:00
专属uber外送员 哈哈哈哈
作者: aborwang (Abor)   2022-09-27 15:39:00
作者: chucky (haha)   2022-09-27 15:44:00
作者: louis13 (大头目)   2022-09-27 15:44:00
Z魔神也是我最喜爱的投手之一 连玩游戏的五位先发投手都有他
作者: megalodon35 (小小小郭)   2022-09-27 15:45:00
推翻译 好笑
作者: kvc567 (.人.)   2022-09-27 15:47:00
作者: showgun5566 (>///<)   2022-09-27 15:50:00
专属Uber eats也太爽XD
作者: hsgreent (但求无愧我心)   2022-09-27 15:57:00
推翻译 超有趣XDD怪到出圈
作者: Nakazone (央人)   2022-09-27 16:23:00
作者: ancer (狼)   2022-09-27 16:49:00
作者: deadknightvi (堂)   2022-09-27 17:01:00
做为Fantasy玩家 发一堆不公平交易真的是机掰郎XD
作者: catsondbs (猫仔)   2022-09-27 17:05:00
作者: pogapoga (秋刀鱼)   2022-09-27 17:07:00
推翻译 盘腿吃香蕉也太好笑
作者: gn1078311 (schumi)   2022-09-27 17:16:00
推 翻译 Z魔就是这么怪
作者: noodlecool (xx)   2022-09-27 17:23:00
推 Z魔神趣闻
作者: c251970 (财去人安乐)   2022-09-27 17:31:00
作者: gama (我是γ)   2022-09-27 17:49:00
作者: fuan791013 (五成七八)   2022-09-27 17:53:00
作者: sevfouyu11 (sevfouyu11)   2022-09-27 17:53:00
就是一个击败人 但是是很有趣的那种击败人XD
作者: nov005 (Kyrzzz)   2022-09-27 18:02:00
作者: KurtZouma (Sinner666)   2022-09-27 18:08:00
超好笑 很值得看
作者: t24569871 (涂涂)   2022-09-27 18:22:00
作者: popper921 (大十)   2022-09-27 18:27:00
作者: stpmouse (鼠君)   2022-09-27 18:40:00
笑死 推翻译
作者: a20350567 (a20350567)   2022-09-27 19:11:00
作者: ykd (蓝色的海)   2022-09-27 20:08:00
作者: Melson (梅尔森)   2022-09-27 20:42:00
作者: Serpi6217 (Iceky)   2022-09-27 21:07:00
作者: pig721 (汤姆)   2022-09-27 22:08:00
推翻译 反而看完这篇完全不觉得他是怪咖了 超赞的朋友啊
作者: moneyrei225 (lin225)   2022-09-28 00:37:00
作者: MrNeverDie (CCR_Zonda)   2022-09-28 01:16:00
作者: herisson (Shobear♡)   2022-09-28 02:20:00
作者: henry1915 (henry)   2022-09-28 09:33:00
推翻译 真是有趣的人

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