Yigo Typhoons awarded 2022 GML Championship Series after 1 game
The Yigo Typhoons were crowned 2022 Guam Major League champions last night, but
there will always be an asterisk next to their name.
Yigo Typhoons拿下今年关岛联赛(GML)冠军
The season was supposed to culminate in a seven-game series against the Guam Jun
ior Nationals but was awarded to the Typhoons after one game.
Throughout the 2022 season, due to rain, multiple games were postponed, pushing
the season about two months past its scheduled conclusion.
The GML Championship Series Game 1 was supposed to begin Sept. 13, but a rain de
lay forced the postponement until Sept. 16. In that game, the Jr. Nationals led
4-3 in the top of the sixth inning, but rain forced its postponement as well. Ac
cording to GML public information officer Mark Colby, Game 1 was going to contin
ue Tuesday but it did not. At the start of the twice-postponed series-opener, th
at game was officially canceled and the series shortened to a one-game, winner-t
ake-all championship game.
而当天打到 Guam Junior Nationals 4:3领先Yigo Typhoons时
Before the series ever took place, a friendship tournament in Palau had already
been scheduled later this month. Had the series gone on any longer, participatio
n in the GML Championship Series from both teams would have been jeopardized.
"Both teams agreed to play due to players from both teams are going to Palau," G
ML Commissioner Roque Alcantara told The Guam Daily Post. "Also, the weather is
another factor. I don't want to prolong the season with weather."
关岛联赛主席Roque Alcantara告诉The Guam Daily Post说