Fernando Tatis Jr. Reportedly Plans to Meet with Padres Teammates, Execs This We
Acee also reported Tatis would meet with Padres president of baseball operations
A.J. Preller on Thursday and then speak to his teammates as a group in a separa
te meeting.
Tatis to meet with Padres executives, teammates later this week
Tatis plans to meet with Padres President of Baseball Operations A.J. Preller on
Thursday and will also address his teammates as a group and meet with team Chai
rman Peter Seidler in separate meetings, a source said Monday night. The timing
of those meetings has not been determined.
根据圣地牙哥联合论坛报记者Kevin Acee的报导
Tatis本周四将会和教士老板Peter Seidler、教士总管A.J. Preller、教士球员分别