Re: [新闻] 感觉被MLB判处死刑 Bonds:我像是鬼

楼主: abc12812   2020-03-10 02:49:00
嘘 sioprr: 法条的基本不就是不溯及既往吗?棒子爷当年到底服了什么“03/09 15:51
→ sioprr: 当年”有禁用的药物?谁来贴个证据看看03/09 15:51
Nov. 18, 1988 — The Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 creates criminal penalties
for those who “distribute or possess anabolic steroids with the intent to
distribute for any use in humans other than the treatment of disease based on
the order of a physician.” Oct. 5, 1990 — Congress toughens its stance with
the Anabolic Steroids Control Act, which places steroids in the same legal
class as amphetamines, methamphetamines, opium and morphine.
1988年国会立法 规定持有非处方的类固醇即是重罪
June 7, 1991 — Commissioner Fay Vincent sends a memo to each team announcing
that steroids have been added to the league’s banned list. No testing plan
is announced.
1991年MLB将类固醇加入禁药名单 不过此时尚无罚则
Aug. 7, 2002 — Players and owners agree to their first joint drug program
since 1985, calling for anonymous testing to begin in 2003. If more than five
percent of the steroid tests are positive in 2003 or 2004, players would be
randomly tested for a two-year period. Players won’t be punished for testing
2002年球员和球团谈判后 加入药检
Jan. 13, 2005 — Players and owners reach new drug-testing agreement calling
for more banned substances and for a 10-day penalty for first-time offenders.
Under the agreement, players failing drug tests will have their names
released to the public.
2005年球员和球团谈判后 加入罚则
作者: sioprr (岛崎制盐㈱)   2019-03-09 15:51:00
作者: Valter (V)   2020-03-10 04:44:00
作者: munchlax (小卡比兽)   2020-03-10 05:21:00
作者: Taeja   2020-03-10 06:16:00
真没问题 美国人早捧高高了 哪需要你台湾人
作者: PeaceBro (和平哥)   2020-03-10 08:12:00
作者: ultratimes   2020-03-10 11:51:00
服用就是持有啊 服用后类固醇不就在你体内?在体内还不是持有那是啥?
作者: IHD (终于要等到时空变异了吗?)   2020-03-10 14:44:00
cpbl:要尬道德吗? 你放几次? 被抓到几次? 还卖票吗?
作者: zx246800tw (摇杆驱动程式)   2020-03-10 16:00:00

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