med5566 (很有美德的5566)
2018-03-10 23:21:39※ 引述《LastDinosaur (LastDino)》之铭言:
: 美国雅虎新闻
: http://t.cn/REBpoHa
: They want to be wrong. For the sake of baseball, they want Shohei Ohtani to
: blossom into a true two-way player, a starting pitcher extraordinaire and
: power-hitting dynamo, a multinational marketing sensation. They want their
: eyes – the ones that have seen Ohtani this spring and believe he cannot hit
: at the major league level today – to be lying.
: 他们希望这是错的:以棒球之神的名义阿,他们希望大谷翔平以真正的二刀流在大联盟
: 生存。他们希望大谷是一位特别厉害的先发投手,并且也是一位Power型打者,成为
: 投手市场以及打者市场的轰动。他们希望他们在春训时看到大谷的打击后了解到他的打
: 无法在大联盟生存的这件事情是假的。
: Only here are eight major league scouts, seven of whom have seen Ohtani this
: spring, and the reports they shared with Yahoo Sports sound almost identical
: They acknowledge his raw power and uncommon speed. They also believe major
: league pitchers are going to punish him with inside fastballs, that his swin
: contains flaws in balance and mechanics, and that he needs at least 500 plat
: appearances of seasoning in the minor leagues to give him a chance at
: becoming a productive major league hitter.
: 这里有八位大联盟球探,其中的七位球探跟我们分享的报告几乎雷同。他们了解到大谷
: 强打Power以及不同凡响的速度。他们也认为大联盟投手会用内角速球教训大谷,且大
: 在挥棒中的平衡机制中有着瑕疵,需要至少在小联盟里500个打席后才能让他
: 成为有效率的大联盟打者。
: And for anyone other than the 23-year-old, that would be all well and good.
: Except the Los Angeles Angels not only have Ohtani slotted in their starting
: rotation, they have rejiggered it to accommodate his transition to Major
: League Baseball, moving to a six-man staff. While they could theoretically
: pull the ripcord on that and start Ohtani in the minor leagues – the rest o
: their starting pitchers have thrown on the standard four days’ rest this
: spring – the prospect of a player as hyped as any in years starting the
: season in Salt Lake City is farfetched.
: 对其他23岁的年轻人来说,在小联盟500个打席很OK。但天使队没那个空间。他们不只
: 大谷放在先发投手轮值上,他们还特地为了大谷在场上扮演的脚色,搞了一个六人轮值
: 名单。当然,他们可以对大谷的策略踩刹车,并且把他丢到小联盟再出发(让其他的先
: 投手在这春天都正常的投一休四)。但一位展望值直破天际的选手要从盐湖城开季出发
: 这很牵强。
: Which leaves them with a bit of a conundrum – a first-world problem, yes,
: but a challenge nevertheless: If Ohtani really does struggle at the plate as
: evaluators expect, how long of a leash do the Angels offer until encouraging
: him to focus on pitching, where scouts see frontline talent?
: 这让他们有了不小的难题(尽管是个美丽的负担,但总是一个挑战):如果大谷真
: 如这些球探所言,在打击区上打不出来。那天使队要给多少机会后才要鼓励他专心投球
: 就好?至少球探认为他的投球有着不错的才能。
: Certainly the Angels don’t intend to make any substantive proclamations
: after 14 plate appearances this spring. They signed Ohtani for $2.5 million,
: plus a $20 million posting fee, following a frenzied bidding process and wan
: to kid-glove him as much as possible. Here’s the thing: It’s not the one
: hit in 11 at-bats (with three walks) that’s any concern to scouts – spring
: training is the home of grain-of-salt numbers – as much as what they saw in
: those times at the plate that gives them pause so quickly.
: 当然,天使队在春训中这14个打席后绝对不会作任何表态。他们在疯狂标价中杀出,
: 用250万镁签了大谷,外加2000万镁的入札费。他们想要好好地照顾他。重点来了:
: 1-11外加三个保送的表现,对球探来说没有什么意义,因为本来春训就是成绩看看就好
: 球探而言,较有意义的是那些打席中让球探中看到并且很快的停下手边的笔记的情形。
: One evaluator, who is familiar with Ohtani after watching all of his plate
: appearances from recent seasons in Japan, believes the biggest issue stems
: from the quality of the pitches in Japan vs. MLB. It was illustrated in a
: recent at-bat against Zack Godley, the Arizona Diamondbacks starter who
: backed Ohtani off the plate with a front-door sinker for a strike, then
: finished him with two curveballs, the last of which Ohtani flailed through.
: 其中一位跟大谷很熟的球探在看完他在日本这几年的打席后,认为最大的差别是日本跟
: 大联盟的球质不同。以蛇蛇先发Zack Godley为例:他先塞一颗内角伸卡让他
: 后退几步,再来两颗曲球解决他。最后一颗大谷挥了个大空棒。
: Another scout at the game focused on how Ohtani moved his 6-foot-4, 220-poun
: body – and while he believes Ohtani can be a good hitter with time, there
: were obvious issues. He did not, the scout said, hit from a balanced base.
: His front hip leaked out during his swing. He needed to cheat on inside
: fastballs, leaving him susceptible to a spate of other pitches. He showed a
: heavy top-hand swing, which is not necessarily a problem – Bryce Harper,
: like Ohtani a left-handed swinger and right-handed thrower, focuses intensel
: on his top-hand movement – but as presently constituted with Ohtani could
: cause a significant number of rollover groundouts, according to the scout.
: 另外一位球探专注在大谷如何运用他6呎4,220磅的身材。他认为大谷在时间磨练后能
: 够成为好打者,但大谷有着明显的问题。球探认为,大谷没有用平衡的机制打
: 球。他的臀部都会窜出去,让他对其他一连串的球路都感到疑惑。他依赖球棒的上手
: 挥棒,而这不一定是问题。Harper跟大谷一样是左打右投,也是很重上手挥棒,但大谷
: 挥棒会使得他打出一堆滚地出局。
: Like the evaluator, he took a more universal view of the pitch selection
: Ohtani will see. It’s not just the sinkers. Heavy, hard-spinning curveballs
: are particularly rare in Japan, where the strikeout pitch of choice is a
: split-fingered fastball, and the curve’s rebirth in MLB recently makes for
: at least two pitches that could pose particular trouble for Ohtani.
: 他对大谷的选球采一个比较全面性的探讨。除了伸卡球之外,球质重并且转速快的曲球
: 在日本来说非常罕见。对日本来说,他们比较喜欢用快速指叉球来三振对手。而大联盟
: 最近的曲球热让大谷变得至少有两种球路对他而言是威胁。
: “He’s basically like a high school hitter because he’s never seen a good
: curveball,” the scout said. “He’s seen fastballs and changeups. And you’
: re asking a high school hitter to jump to the major leagues?”
: “他基本上哩,就是个高中打者罢了。他从没看过好的曲球。他看过快速球跟
: 变速球,阿你要这种高中打者直接去大联盟打球???”
: With any other player, the remedy is obvious: Allow him to prepare for what
: s to come against lower-level players. With the Angels intent on winning thi
: year, they could find themselves in something of a Catch-22 with Ohtani. His
: greatest gift – his right arm – might be the thing that prevents him from
: fulfilling his desire to be a true two-way player.
: 对其他球员而言,补救方法很明显:让他去准备跟层级较低的选手对打。天使如果今年
: 想赢,大谷翔平对他们来说真的是个进退维谷的难题。他最好的天分,也就是他的右手
: 也许会成为阻止他成为二刀流欲望的原因之一。
: “You don’t learn on the job in the major leagues,” another scout said. “
: You can’t.”
: 另外一位球探说“在大联盟里,没人在做中学的啦,而且你也不能边做边学。”
: Pitching in the major leagues is hard enough, something Ohtani is learning
: quickly. The Tijuana Toros, a Mexican League team, lit him up for six runs i
: three innings on Friday afternoon. He allowed a monster first-inning home ru
: to Dustin Martin, a 33-year-old who topped out at Triple-A. He gave up a pai
: more in the second inning. By the third, his fastball velocity dipped as low
: as 90 mph, a bit of a surprise but not worth alarm at this point in the
: spring.
: 在大联盟投球已经够难了,这大谷很快地就知道了。他对上Tijuana Toros,一个墨联
: 队伍,结果三局就打了他六分。他被Dustin Martin(最高到3A的球员而已)尻一只超大
: 的全垒打,也在第二局又再掉两分。第三局时他的直球掉到剩90mile,虽然有点小意外
: ,但这个春训来说这已经不算啥了。
: Ohtani has enough to worry about already. He said the most difficult part of
: his transition is getting used to a schedule with no days off – and should
: he play designated hitter two or three times a week, as is the plan, that
: only exacerbates the intricacy of his days. Each facet of the game takes
: incredible amounts of work. There’s a reason no one has done both.
: 大谷要担心的东西已经够多了。他说来美国最难的就是要适应没有假日的行程
: 。如果照他计画中一个礼拜打两到三次DH,这只会加剧他的负担。一场棒球,无论什么
: 方面、什么职位,都需要很大的付出。这也是没人能够二刀流的原因。
: When asked which side of his game was further along, Ohtani said: “About th
: same progress-wise. Hitting-wise, adjusting isn’t going to be as big as
: pitching.” The major league ball and mound are different, he said. He did
: not mention anything about the major league arms, which evaluators believe t
: be a far greater concern.
: 当问到大谷哪方面的状况改善得比较多时,他回答“都差不多。打击的话,调整不会
: 像投球方面一样要大改。大联盟的用球跟投手丘都不同。”他并没有提到评估员们想的
: :大联盟的手臂。他们认为大联盟的手臂对大谷来说可能才是比较大的挑战。
: Ohtani’s confidence in his bat is admirable, and perhaps he is the rare sor
: who can adjust on the fly, whose talent is overwhelming enough to change
: perceptions overnight. Special players do special things.
: 大谷对他的打击自信令人佩服,也许他是那种才能高到能够一个晚上就改过来,边打边
: 调整的球员。特别的球员总是会做特别的事情,对吧。
: “That’s true,” an American League scout said, “but I don’t know if
: anyone is that special.”
: 一位美联球探说:“对阿,这是真的。但我不认为真有人那么特别。”
: 备注:
: 1.这我翻的,有错帮我指正一下,感恩
: 2.美国春训打到现在就把大谷喷爆了QQ但我认为这只是春训,很多人都在调整。Trout
: 也打不好阿~~No mind No mind