The A's celebrated Bark in the Park night with surfboard-riding dogs
By Michael Clair
We put a man on the moon. We've cured diseases. We developed TVs where you cou
ld have a smaller picture inside the other picture. All of those accomplishmen
ts pale in comparison to the greatest thing humans have ever done: Have dogs s
urf outside a baseball stadium.
With the Athletics celebrating Bark in the Park night as they took on the Indi
ans on Friday night, it was time to bring back the surfing dogs. Did the pups
know what they were doing? no. Could they debate the finer parts of "Point Bre
ak"? Of course not. But were they absolutely adorable? Well, yes they were.
Hundreds of thousands of years from now, an advanced alien civilization will f
ind those tweets and they will know: Dogs riding surfboards is fun.
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