※ 引述《argus0519 (尿破小便斗的神人)》之铭言:
: 规则4.01【妨碍之定义】
: 攻队的球员以截遮、阻挡、扰乱、碰撞等动作对防守所构成的犯规行为: 【依棒球规则】
: 2.44(A) (A)妨碍如发生在击球跑垒员未到达一垒以前,所有跑垒员应返回投手投球时所
: 占有之垒。【依棒球规则】2.44【原注】 (B)如发生妨碍之前对某位跑垒员有采取行为时
: ,则跑垒员需返回妨碍当时所占有之垒。所谓采取行为,需有传球及触杀动作或明显追杀
: 之动作。【依棒球规则】2.44【注】 【加注】跑垒员进占次垒时,故意跑离垒线用身体
: 去截遮、碰触、阻拦野手接球或传来之球,则依妨碍守备处理,比赛停止球,该妨碍守备
: 之跑垒员出局,其他跑垒员则依妨碍当时已占有垒给垒;当野手进行夹杀传接球守备时,
: 跑垒员故意以跳跃方式去截遮、碰触、阻拦野手传出之球,则依妨碍守备处理,比赛停止
: 球,该妨碍守备之跑垒员出局,其他跑垒员则依妨碍当时已占有垒给垒;若妨碍守备之跑
: 垒员原占有垒,被后位跑垒员占有时,其占有行为属无效,因原占有垒权属妨碍守备之跑
: 垒员所有,故后位跑垒原应退回一个垒。【依棒球规则】7.08(B)【原注二】加注
: 规则4.04【击跑员、跑垒员妨碍野手守备之处理】
: 野手处理击出之球时,跑垒员有意或无意碰触进行守备之野手时,裁判员得宣告跑垒员妨
: 碍守备出局,形成比赛停止球。但位于垒包上方跑垒员,除裁判员认定有故意碰触处理击
: 出之球的野手外,否则不宣告跑垒员出局,仍为比赛进行中,但如属故意妨碍,则宣告跑
: 垒员出局,同时击球员亦出局。【依棒球规则】7.08(B)
: 4.04什么鸟规则,根本裁判的大绝,那以后都驱前防守,跑垒员还要躲你咧
在第61页6.01 (a)It is interference by a batter or a runner when:
He fails to avoid a fielder who is attempting to field a batted
ball, or intentionally interferes with a thrown ball,
provided that if two or more fielders attempt to field a
batted ball, and the runner comes in contact with one or
more of them, the umpire shall determine which fielder is
entitled to the benefit of this rule, and shall not declare
the runner out for coming in contact with a fielder other
than the one the umpire determines to be entitled to field
such a ball. The umpire shall call the runner out in accordance
with Rule 5.09(b)(3) (former Rule 7.08(b)). If the
batter-runner is adjudged not to have hindered a fielder
attempting to make a play on a batted ball, and if the base
runner’s interference is adjudged not to be intentional, the
batter-runner shall be awarded first base;